Memoir ’44 Online Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select “Community”, “My profile”, “View all my games”, then the game and view stats.
- Advanced Combat Training: Battled using both Infantry and Armor.
- Advanced Historian: You played the 16 scenarios on their anniversary date.
- Allied Aces High: Killed four enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Allied Fighter Pilot: Killed three enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Allied Pilot: Killed two enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Armor Driving License: Killed two enemy units with an Armor Overrun.
- Armor Excellence: Got 3 medals (2 units killed and a medal won) in a single attack with an armor unit.
- Armor Specialist: Killed 2 units in a single armor overrun.
- Arnhem Tree: Either side: Hold the lone Forest hex next to Lower Rhine at game end. Active until Jan 3, 2011 only.
- Arnhem Victory: Won Arnhem as Axis.
- Artillery Specialist: Killed at least 2 units using artillery.
- Axis Aces High: Killed four enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Axis Fighter Pilot: Killed three enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Axis Pilot: Killed two enemy units with an Air Power attack.
- Band of Brothers: Invited successfully at least 5 players using the Band of Brothers invitation page (//
- Band of Brothers Instructor: At least 3 of the Cadets who joined your Band of Brothers (cf. // graduated to 2nd Lieutenant or better.
- Banzai!: Eliminated a full strength enemy infantry unit using Banzai charge.
- Basic Combat Training: You completed your first game.
- Brigadier General: Officer rank : Brigadier General.
- Bring Boys Back Home: All infantry survived.
- Captain: Officer rank : Captain.
- Chaaaarge!: Participate to the Load Test on April 2011.
- Colonel: Officer rank : Colonel.
- Commando Specialist – Armor: Killed 5 units with special force.
- Commando Specialist – Infantry: Killed 5 units with special force.
- D-Day Recon Team – Bronze: Played at least one Solo game as a Beta-tester.
- D-Day Recon Team – Gold: Played at least one Expert game as a Beta-tester.
- D-Day Recon Team – Silver: Played at least one Multiplayer game as a Beta-tester.
- Desert Fox: Won all Mediterranean Theater army pack scenarios as German.
- Desert Rats: Won all Mediterranean Theater army pack scenarios as British.
- First Lieutenant: Officer rank : First Lieutenant.
- Flags of Our Fathers: Played the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima, and won.
- Fly, you fools: Roll 4 flags in a single dice roll.
- General: Officer rank : General.
- General of the Army: Officer rank : General of the Army.
- Historian: Played a scenario on its historical date.
- I Love Pineapples: Roll 4 grenades in a single dice roll.
- I played DoW: Battled against a Days of Wonder crew member.
- I was there: Played Omaha as Allies, or difficult scenario as Axis.
- I won DoW: Battled against a Days of Wonder crew member, and won.
- Iron gun: One of your artillery units resisted 10 dice without suffering loss.
- Iron man: One of your infantry units resisted 10 dice without suffering loss.
- Iron tank: One of your armor units resisted 10 dice without suffering loss.
- Lake Toplitz – Bronze: Purchased a Sergeant pack during Beta-testing. Read the story about the Toplitzsee.
- Lake Toplitz – Gold: Purchased a Major pack during Beta-testing. Read the story about the Toplitzsee.
- Lake Toplitz – Silver: Purchased a Captain pack during Beta-testing. Read the story about the Toplitzsee.
- Letters From Iwo Jima: Played the Japanese at Iwo Jima, and won.
- Lieutenant Colonel: Officer rank : Lieutenant Colonel.
- Lieutenant General: Officer rank : Lieutenant General.
- Lucky Bastard: Totally wiped a full-health unit in a single dice roll.
- Major: Officer rank : Major.
- Major General: Officer rank : Major General.
- Major Howard: For outstanding contribution beyond the call of duty during Beta-testing.
- Michael Wittmann: Won the battle thanks to 3 medals (2 units killed and another medal won) captured in a single attack with an armor unit.
- Minesweeper: Reported a bug during Beta-testing.
- Objectives Specialist: Captured all the land objectives.
- Old Man: You played the most games.
- Omaha Victory: Won Omaha as Allies.
- Overrun Bronze: Overrun bronze.
- Overrun Silver: Won 10 games back to back.
- Second Lieutenant: Officer rank : Second lieutenant.
- Star Wars: Roll 4 stars in a single dice roll.
- Staying alive: One of your infantry units was down to a single figure. Then it resisted 10 dice.
- Stiff Upper Lip: Eliminate an enemy unit during a Stiff Upper Lip action.
- Total Victory: Opponent lost with 0 medals.
- Tovarich: Battled with the Russian Commissar rule, and won.
- Unit test: This is used for unit testing only.
- Warrant Officer: Introduced newbie to the game.
- Wet feet: Played a beach scenario on the water side.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.