Microsoft to End Sales of 12-Month Xbox Live Subscriptions (via IGN )
The option to purchase the 12-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold has disappeared from the Microsoft Store. According to a statement given to the website,, by a Microsoft spokesperson, this is no accident.
There hasn’t, however, been an explanation as to why it was removed. This has lead some, including myself, to speculate. There is a new console generation on the horizon, so it is possible that Microsoft could be pivoting to a new version of the service that would make the extra months gained by a 12-month subscription somehow obsolete. Or maybe they are trying to encourage customers to buy Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which offers all the same benefits as Xbox Live Gold but also grants access to Xbox Games Pass. These are the only guesses we have until we hear more.
Nintendo Reveals Cadence of Hyrule DLC (via Nintendo )
Nintendo aired a Nintendo Direct Mini today that shown a light on the projects their partners were working on. While much of it was exciting, the news about last year’s Zelda-based rhythm adventure, Cadence of Hyrule, was some of the most surprising. It would appear as though Brace Yourself Games will be adding new content in the form of three additional DLC packs. Pack one will bring five new playable characters to the game. The new characters will be Impa, Aria, Shadow Link, Shadow Zelda, and Frederick. Pack two will add 39 songs that players can use to customize their experience. Pack three is the big one, though. In pack three, players will be able to undertake a brand new adventure in which they take control of the infamous Skull Kid who can change his abilities by switching through an arsenal of creepy masks. The first DLC pack has already been made available but you’ll have to wait until later this year for the others. Nintendo has said that they’ll be released “before the end of October,” though.
Destiny’s “Beyond Light” Expansion Delayed (via Bungie )
Bungie has announced that Destiny fans who are looking forward to the upcoming expansion, Beyond Light , will have to wait until November 10 th . The expansion will be the first of a trilogy and Bungie seems confident in the story they are trying to tell within the game. According to the official site, this delay is motivated by a desire to make the expansion as great as possible.
They went on to say that the last few months have been challenging due to the pandemic and they’re all finding new ways to be effective at work while they’re apart from one another. They insist that the pandemic won’t affect their commitment to quality, though.
Over the coming weeks, the company will be revealing more and more about the upcoming expansion pack, so stay tuned!