



Mojang Might Get To Keep “Scrolls” After All

Mojang Might Get To Keep “Scrolls” After All


A while back we reported on a lawsuit between Bethesda, makers of The Elder Scrolls, and Minecraft developer Mojang, who is currently making a new game called Scrolls. Yes, the hubbub was all about the word “Scrolls.”

A Swedish court recently ruled in Mojang’s favor, allowing them to continue using the name Scrolls. For now, anyway. You see, Mojang just won the interim injunction, which, in legalese, means that Bethesda still has options. They can seek a settlement or appeal the decision, and chances are they will.

This is what Alex Chapman, one of Mojang’s legal representatives, told Eurogamer about the situation: “An interim injunction in Sweden is decided on the merits of the case only to the extent that the plaintiff has to show ‘probable grounds’ for trade mark infringement, and it is reasonably expected that the continued use of the mark diminishes the value of the exclusive right to the trade mark.That means that the burden of proof on Zenimax should have been lower than with a full and final assessment of the case and it should have been easier for Zenimax to get what it wanted at this stage compared with a full trial.”

For the record, I didn’t understand any of that. But if it means Mojang gets to use the name it wants for its new game, then that’s a good thing, right?

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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