Last month, actor Bill Murray let it slip that he would be reprising the role of Captain Price in Modern Warfare 4. Activision later denied the report and Bill Murray himself recanted the whole thing. However, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Activision will continue making the Call of Duty series. And Infinity Ward, the makers of the Modern Warfare series, is in the batter’s box.
Now, several pieces of leaked information seem to bolster the claims that Modern Warfare is getting another sequel. According to Siliconera, the next Call of Duty game will take place in the Modern Warfare arc and will star “Ben Burke” (whose name will probably change). Burke is a “battle hardened veteran in his mid-thirties with a nihilistic point of view.”
The leaked information centers on several pieces of written dialog that are purportedly chunks of the MW4 script. Siliconera’s source is the same one that leaked portions of the Sleeping Dogs Script, and has thus far proven to be reliable. Below you’ll find a few lines that may be apart of the main character’s dialogue.
“Reminds you of Phuket, doesn’t it? Only this time the dust gives you cancer… OK, park yourself and get ready. When this thing kicks off, put a hole in anything that moves.”
“This is Sentinel Zero One, successful crypto change on C2 net break, requesting immediate update of blue force picture and status of artillery, over. I have you broken and unreadable, I say again, requesting updates to friendly positions and status of arty support. Do you read, over?”
“We’ve got KVA on the move! They’re going to strongpoint the main gate, ETA two mikes! We’re providing support for our heavy rollers! Ready up and let’s move!”
“Goliath, this is Sentinel Zero One! We have enemy armor at the gate, hundred meters north of our position! Requesting close-air grid mark three-one-six!”
The protagonist will also apparently have flashbacks that involve characters from previous Call of Duty games. One of these will take place in Somalia and will involve John “Soap” MacTavish.
Source: Siliconera