



New Details Regarding Battlefield Hardline Beta Revealed!

New Details Regarding Battlefield Hardline Beta Revealed!

Even though we won’t get our hands on the full release for a little while longer, news regarding the upcoming Beta has just fallen into CheatCC’s lap!

The folks over at EA and Visceral Games recently contacted the staff to inform us their multiplayer preview is almost ready for launch and will come to all gaming platforms (which includes PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3/PS4).

Here is what gamers can expect to find in the Beta, according to a statement provided to us earlier today: “Bust out those new gadgets, form new strategies and showcase your skills on two different maps and modes. First, take a test drive of Hotwire, an all-new mode coming to Battlefield focused on combining all-out warfare with all-out speed. This is how you introduce yourself to the new flavor Visceral Games is bringing to Battlefield with Battlefield Hardline . Or you can go all-out in 64-player cops and criminals warfare in the oldie but goodie, Conquest.

While it’s just a taste of the whole game, we want you to come in, take your jacket off, stay awhile. There won’t be a cap on the max progression level so whether you’re busting criminals or fleeing the cops, unlock away. The beta is your shot to test the different classes, toy with different gadgets, and find your crew to take down your foes.” It reads.

We’ll bring you more once a firm date has been confirmed for its drop!

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