



New Exploitative String Found in Mortal Kombat X

New Exploitative String Found in Mortal Kombat X

In the recent Midwest Championships 2015, an incredibly exploitative tactic has been found to beat characters without quick moves or moves with armor on them. That tactic? Johnny Cage’s speedbag string.

This string is very reminiscent of the rapid punches from early Mortal Kombat games. There is enough of a gap in the string to allow a reversal move to go through it, but once again, if your move doesn’t have armor, or if it’s not quick enough, there’s really nothing you can do. In this video you can see competitor DJT harass his opponent Michaelangelo, keeping him blocking in a corner for as long as he wants until he goes for a high low mix-up. Even worse, this string does block damage. So if the opponent doesn’t do anything, they will eventually die anyway.

Be sure to integrate this into your Johnny Cage game, before it inevitably gets patched out, that is.

Source: Pandax Gaming

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