



New Fire Emblem Game Revealed for Nintendo 3DS

New Fire Emblem Game Revealed for Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo’s recent Nintendo Direct presentation started off with a trailer for the next entry in the Fire Emblem series. The trailer was mostly cinematic but it gave us a lot to get hyped for. It features spearmen squaring off against cavalry, mysterious riders with demon masks, Pegasus riders going up against archers with flaming bows, a whole army fighting what appears to be a massive golem, and a dancer on stage.

What gameplay we did see looks promising. Transitions into and out of battle cinematics are much smoother now. There appears to be a new class which uses large curved swords, sort of a fast and heavy class. You can now see your army and the rest of the battlefield in the background of battle cinematics, which is cool, and instead of simply text and pictures, there are now animated cutscenes using in game models in between battles. There also appear to be battle cinematics that show off three or more characters, sometimes flanking each other, alluding to a possible new battle positioning system.

But the thing I found most interesting, is the fact that the game seems to have a “European versus Japanese” theme going for it. We see knights and samurai square off against each other numerous times in the trailer. While the story is still vague, this opens up a lot of possibility for gameplay and class customization.

We will bring you more information on the latest Fire Emblem game as it becomes available.

Source: Nintendo Direct

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