Nintendo’s financial earnings report was full of exciting information, but not all of it was positive. We learned we won’t be playing the NX this holiday season, and unfortunately, we won’t be playing the next Legend of Zelda either. Of course, Nintendo didn’t call this a delay. In true Nintendo fashion they just presented the information as if we had no idea that we were originally supposed to get it in 2015. From the press release: “The latest installment in this classic series is scheduled to launch simultaneously for both Wii U and NX, and both versions of the game have been in development in tandem. Because developers need more time to polish the game, it will launch in 2017…”
It goes on to say that the new Legend of Zelda will be the focus of Nintendo’s presence at E3. Here we have another one-two punch from Nintendo – some exciting news mixed with some not-so-exciting news. The new Legend of Zelda will be playable at E3. That’s cool, but it’s also the only playable game from Nintendo at E3. That’s a pretty minimal presence if you ask me, so I wholly expect Nintendo to put together another E3 Direct and be done with it. Here’s hoping we get some exciting game announcements, or at least some fantastic footage and information for the Legend of Zelda and the new Paper Mario .
Source: Press Release