



New Wii Channel Fixes Skyward Sword

New Wii Channel Fixes Skyward Sword


A while back, we reported that a game-breaking bug exists within The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It takes place later in the game, when you’re questing for the Song of the Hero. If you do the dragon quests in a very specific order and speak to Golo at the wrong time, the game’s sequence is broken and you become unable to continue the game. The only option gamers have at this point is to restart the game from the very beginning.

Well, Nintendo has finally found a solution: a new Nintendo Channel. The Legend of Zelda Restoration Channel serves to fix your broken Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword saves. That means players can now continue those old Skyward Sword saves they gave up on due to an unfixable programming error.

However, at this point, The Legend of Zelda Restoration Channel is currently out in Japan. There’s no word on a North American or European date yet, though.

Let’s just hope Nintendo has learned a lesson from this and will make sure the Wii U will allow them to patch their games.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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