



Nintendo Admits 3DS Launch Lineup Was Weak

Nintendo Admits 3DS Launch Lineup Was Weak


After the 3DS launched, faithful Nintendo gamers were waiting for that killer must-have app to hit the market and make everyone purchase Nintendo’s new handheld. But the app never came. People had a fun time playing the built-in ARG games and screwing around with Super Street Fighter IV, but nothing really jumped out and said “buy me or be sad forever.” Nintendo knows this.

“We were not able to launch Nintendo 3DS at a time when a sufficient number of strong software titles were ready,” Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told investors in a recent meeting. He then went on to say that many 3DS games were delayed in order to make them meet Nintendo’s standards. As a result, the 3DS did not launch with a catalogue of big hit titles, and it will still be some time before the 3DS has a library that can back up the power of its hardware.

Luckily, Nintendo is learning from its mistakes, and is making sure that the same problem won’t hit their next console, the Wii U. Iwata assured investors “In order to avoid the same thing from happening to the Wii U, we are considering details, such as what software is suitable for the launch, more carefully than ever before.”

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