



Nintendo Has A Good Weekend

Nintendo Has A Good Weekend


Nintendo has been struggling with lackluster sales for a while now, but it looks like Link and Mario are here to save the day.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has taken over the top spot in Wii sales for the entire year by crossing the 535,000 unit threshold over the weekend. Obviously it would be unfair to compare it to Activision’s Modern Warfare 3 powerhouse, which sold 6.5 million unit in the U.S. and Britain in a single day, but I’ll do it anyway.

Nintendo also managed to squeeze a little more life out of their Wii console on Black Friday by shipping over 500,000 units. This will obviously make Nintendo of America’s CEO Reggie Fils-Aime happy, since he was recently trying to convince consumers that the Wii isn’t actually a dying console: “We believe there are still millions more systems to be sold. And I can say that the Wii will coexist side by side beside the Wii U for some period of time.”

Mario even got in on the Black Friday sales records. Super Mario 3D Land also topped the 500,000 mark, which makes the fastest selling portable Mario game in history. You can always count on Mario to rake in a couple of bucks.

Who knows if this will be a continuing trend throughout the holiday season, but, if Link and Mario have anything to say, the Wii and the 3DS have a few more rounds left in them.

By Josh Engen

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