



Nintendo’s Indie Boss Leaves the Company

Nintendo’s Indie Boss Leaves the Company

Nintendo of America head of digital content and development, Dan Adelmen, has left the company after nine years. He left Nintendo on good terms in order to pursue independent work. His departure was confirmed in a recently run interview with Kotaku.

Adelman has frequently criticized Nintendo about their policies, and at one point was actually banned from using twitter because he expressed frustration over the 3DS being region locked. “I think people were kind of on pins and needles about anything untoward I might say,” Adelman told Kotaku. “And every once in a while, I’d give an answer that people didn’t like, and some people would freak out, so they tried to scale things back. First they had me do interviews with someone from PR or marketing. Later they just decided that I shouldn’t be in the press at all anymore.” Apparently Nintendo went far enough to suggest that some other PR person post in Adelman’s name so that his opinions stayed on Nintendo’s message.

Still Adelman and Nintendo are on good terms and he hopes that he can bring his expertise in the gaming industry to other developers and publishers.

Source: Kotaku

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