



Oculus Rift Founder Hints at Custom Controller

Oculus Rift Founder Hints at Custom Controller

For now, playing with the Oculus Rift is a little bit difficult. You’ll either have to use your keyboard and mouse, or a traditional gaming controller to move around in virtual space. Unfortunately, this kind of breaks the virtual experience and if your fingers slide off the keys only a bit, you become nearly incapable of movement without taking off the visor and repositioning yourself.

Luckily, Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus VR, has taken notice of this. “I don’t think that’s necessarily the right input for what you said, rich interactions in virtual reality,” he said in reference to game controllers. He also said that another control option is likely to come “down the road.” When asked when they were going to create a controller, Luckey said, “when are we going to create it, or when are we going to announce it.”

He did make it clear that he wasn’t saying anything was in development just yet. “Saying that something is in development is a hefty commitment, I’ll say that we are doing a lot of research and development into input, and we know that game pads are pretty terrible in terms of living up to what we all want in virtual reality, which is the ability to see our hands, and to interact with the world in a natural way,” he said.

Source: Polygon

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