



Online gaming good for kids?

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Online gaming good for kids?


With so many different groups claiming gaming is potentially detrimental to youth, it’s always good to get positive findings about gaming.  The latest positive report comes from Scotland ’s Brunel University , where a pair of researchers have come to the conclusion that online gaming is good for children.

Nic Crowe and Dr. Simon Bradford researched players of Runescape for three years and came to the conclusion that online gaming exposed children to gamers of other nationalities and forced them to learn to deal with diversity.

Crowe had the following to say.  “Virtual environments form important new leisure spaces for the many young people who occupy them. In the real world, where streets or town centres have become inaccessible to many young people or are considered unsafe by them or their parents, it is not surprising virtual public space has become increasingly attractive as a leisure setting…The appeal [of MMOs] lies in the provision of an environment in which young people can experiment with the cultural institutions and structures of the material world. It is a space in which young people can establish their presence, identity and meaning in ways that might not be accessible or permissible in their everyday lives.”

Bradford added the following. “At a time when emerging technologies such as the internet, and computer games continue to be subject to suspicion and concern, it is important we recognise the benefits of what is an increasingly important activity for our young people.”

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