



Orisa Joins Overwatch

Orisa Joins Overwatch

Overwatch just won Game of the Year at the Game Developers Conference 2017, and it’s clear that the uber popular game is showing no signs of stopping. Blizzard just added their 24th playable character to the game’s public test region on PCs.

Orisa is a one month old guardian robot whose base of operations is Numbani. Her origin story has to do with a decommissioned defense robot program. A young girl named Efi Oladele bought a bunch of parts after a Doomfist attack caused the retirement of the OR15 robots. Efi, at only eleven-years-old, had already earned the Adawe Foundation’s “genius grant” for her work in robotics and artificial intelligence.

With her parent’s approval, Efi used her grant money to buy a decommissioned OR15 defense bot. She believed that Numbani needed someone to protect it, and that an upgraded robot could do that job just fine. And so, Orisa was born.

Orisa is a tank with a difficulty rating of two stars. Her abilities are Fusion Driver, Fortify, Halt!, Protective barrier, and Supercharger. Many of these abilities protect herself or her allies, while Fusion Driver and Halt! cause damage.

Be sure to head to Overwatch’ s PTR so you can give playing Orisa a try! Then, let us know what you think of the newest hero!

Source: Overwatch

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