



Overwatch Fan Site Keeps Track of Players’ Stats

Overwatch Fan Site Keeps Track of Players’ Stats

Overwatch does a great job of showing how well you do. You can learn which characters seem to work best for you, analyze your stats, and track your progress. However, it doesn’t give you a better idea of how Overwatch heroes and heroines are doing as a whole. That’s where a fan-site named Master Overwatch comes in. It’s the best for checking universal stats.

People who play Overwatch can add themselves to Master Overwatch to allow it to start tracking their stats. This information is added to the collective pool of every player who has also permitted the site to watch their stats. There are over 800,000 people who have done this, which allows for some interesting looks into the playstyles people have. You can check stats on PC, PS4, and Xbox One for things like average per minute score, accuracy, kill-death ratio, damage done, damage blocked, and healing, as well as overall score, level, and winrate.

Most interesting is the hero stat page . You can see all characters ranked by win rate, popularity, score per minute, and k/d ratio. According to the site, the most popular hero right now is Mercy, followed by Lucio, Soldier: 76, Pharah, and McCree. Symmetra has the highest win rate, followed by Torbjorn, Lucio, Bastion, and D.Va. Lucio has the highest score per minute, followed by Zenyatta, Roadhog, Mercy, and Soldier: 76. Finally, Torbjorn has the highest k/d ratio, followed by D.Va, Symmetra, Widowmaker, and Zarya. Seems like Lucio, Soldier: 76, and Torbjorn are real winners!

Source: PC Gamer , Master Overwatch

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