The Panzer Dragoon series is a series of video games developed by profound Japanese game developer, Sega. Panzer Dragoon is a series of rail shooters except for this title, Panzer Dragoon Saga. The title was developed to compete with Final Fantasy 7 for the Sony Playstation and while development had struggles the game became a cult classic. The game was released for the Sega Saturn in 1998 to critical acclaim. The game sold well with many critics even saying it surpasses Final Fantasy 7 in many ways despite its short length. Today, the title is described as “the greatest RPG you’ve never played” because it’s so hard to get your hands on a copy today.

©Panzer Dragoon Screenshot – License
The Premise Of Panzer Dragoon Saga
In Panzer Dragoon Saga you control Edge. Edge is a young mercenary who rides a flying dragon. The gameplay is divided into navigation, battles, and exploration. While on foot, common RPG mechanics are present in this title such as talking to NPCS, upgrading weapons, and buying items. When flying your dragon, you have a reticle that allows you to fire lasers and activate triggers. The game also features full voice acting and FMV cutscenes.

©MC walking into dark hallway in Panzer dragoon – License
The Main Characters Of Panzer Dragoon Saga
- Edge: A mercenary working at an excavation site. When a tragic event ensues, Edge meets a mysterious dragon that will lead him to his ultimate destiny.
- Azel: A mysterious girl, recovered from the excavation site. She is soon awakened from her everlasting sleep and will stop at nothing to fight for and protect the man who awakened her.
- K. F. Craymen: The leader of the Imperial Black Fleet. He was a former high-ranking member of the Imperial Academy. An Imperial officer gone renegade. Craymen a defector of the Empire, now makes his own decisions and takes responsibility for his own actions. He will stop at nothing to uncover the secrets of ancient technology and to take control of mankind’s destiny.
- Paet: A man who lives in the Town of Zoah’s Holy District and helps Edge multiple times. He has vast knowledge of ancient technology, being capable of building and repairing airships and other ancient devices.
- Gash: A friend of Edge and the leader of the Seekers.
Other Titles In The Panzer Dragoon Series
- Panzer Dragoon
- Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
- Panzer Dragoon Mini
- Panzer Dragoon Saga
- Panzer Dragoon Orta
- Panzer Dragoon: Remake
Panzer Dragoon Saga Cheat Codes
Free Health In Battles
In any battle with any opponent, let all three of your attack bars charge up to full. If you leave all three bars charged, after a while either your HP or BP will start charging until it reaches the max.
Music Box
If you have a Panzer Dragoon Zwei save on your Saturn, the little girl in the Holy District of Zoah will give you a Music box which plays the Panzer Zwei theme at Campsites.
Action Replay Codes
The following code requires the third-party hardware, Action Replay. If you are emulating Panzer Dragoon Saga then these codes should work in the emulator as well.
Code Effect | Code |
Master Code | F6000914 C305 B6002800 0000 |
Bypass Error Message for JAP Version | 16002ED0 0009 |
Bypass Error Message for USA/PAL Version | 16002EB0 0009 |
Infinite BP | 1604A6D0 270F |
Infinite HP | 1604A6CC 270F |
Max Dyne | 1604A6F4 0098 1604A6F6 967F |
Max EXP | 1604A6DC 0098 1604A6DE 967F |
Astral Phantoms
Be nice to your dragon by always smiling to him, petting him, letting him sleep until morning, etc. Also give him a name at the beginning. Astral Phantoms allows your dragon to attack on its own.
Baby Dragon
After having the Eye Wing Dragon, visit Shellcoof and access all of the pyramids around the ship. Enter the ship and fly to the Genesis Chamber where you find the Dragon Crest and Amrosias. Also found here is a Baby Dragon who will tag along and collect items unreachable to you. Access the Baby Dragon to receive the items.
Change Enemy Color
While viewing enemy info., plug a controller into the second port and Press Start. Now you can change the color and brightness of an enemy with different buttons.
Faster Speech In Cutscenes
During a cutscene press L or R to speed up or slow down the speech.
Get Dyne Easily
To make this secret work, make sure your Saturn has a save file for Panzer Dragoon Zwei in its backup memory. For every hour you have played Panzer Dragoon Zwei you will get 100 Dyne when you start Panzer Dragoon Saga. Example: If you have played Panzer Dragoon Zwei for 8 hours, then you will start off Panzer Dragoon Saga with 800 Dyne.
Light Wing Dragon
Collect all twelve of the D-Units that are scattered around. There are two in each of these places – the Valley, the Desert, Uru, Uru Caves, the Forest of Zoah, and The Tower.
D Unit Locations
- Above Excavation Site – Access the birds (you have to kill the Arachnoth first)
- Valley/Canyon Deep Gulch – inside a tunnel
- Garil Desert – Worm Lair
- Garil Oasis – Blue Ruins
- Uru – Sunken Southern Ruins – next to the entrance
- Uru – Deep North
- Underground Ruins of Uru – B4F – needs Dragon
- Underground Ruins of Uru – B2F North – needs Dragon
- Inside the Forest of Zoah
- Inside the Forest of Zoah
- Tower – 14F North
- Tower – 14F North – right next to D unit 11
Solo Wing Dragon
After becoming the Light Wing Dragon, and having the Baby Dragon, return to the Forest of Zoah. Now go into the Red Ruins. Enter the central structure and find the section without a Dragon Crest. Access this to return the Crest and become merged with the Baby Dragon, creating the Solo Wing Dragon.
Tri-Burst Gun Upgrade
During the daytime, talk to Radgam the Hunter at Village of Zoah. Keep talking and he’ll ask you questions – answer them correctly to get Tri-Burst for free.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Panzer Dragoon Cutscene Screenshot.