



Petition Protests Lack Of Women In Colonial Marines

Petition Protests Lack Of Women In Colonial Marines


It appears that Gearbox’s upcoming FPS, Aliens: Colonial Marines, will not feature female characters in its multiplayer mode, a move which has made one Aliens fan particularly dismayed.

A certain “Melissa K.” has started a petition to get female avatars in the game’s multiplayer mode, stating that Gearbox producer Brian Burleson has confirmed the lack of women in the game.

Melissa states that the apparent decision to exclude women from multiplayer contradicts Gearbox’s earlier claims of providing players a way to “customize their characters to play the way they want.”

“This is unacceptable for a game that makes such claims as are listed on its official website, made after a film franchise that has many strong female characters like Ripley, Vasquez, Ferro and Dietrich to name a few,” she writes.

“There are many females that enjoy playing video games and are fans of the films who are tired of playing as a male all the time. Let’s let Gearbox Software know what they are doing is not true to the franchise!”

As of this writing, the petition has surpassed its 1,000 signature goal, so it appears that plenty of other gamers want the option to blast Xenomorphs as a member of the fairer sex as well.

We’ve reached out to Gearbox for comment, and will update if and when they give word back.

By Jeff Dunn

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