Sony has been relatively quiet regarding the PlayStation 5, despite dropping details earlier than anyone expected via an in-depth Wired feature. But since then, other than some lip service at a tech show, things have largely been radio silent. That’s a huge difference from Microsoft, which has already revealed the box, specs, and more for the Xbox Series X. But that’s about to change, as Sony announced an online info dump for the upcoming generation’s platform.
Via Twitter, the official PlayStation account announced that tomorrow is the magic day. At 9 AM PT/12 PM ET, Sony will introduce the PlayStation 5 in detail. We don’t know exactly what the extent of those announcements will be, but lead system architect and Knack Daddy Mark Cerny will be leading the presentation. The official line is Cerny will present information on the “PS5’s system architecture and how it will shape the future of games.” So specs, teraflops, and hard drive stuff will probably be the stars of the show.
On March 18, 2020, we’ll truly see the beginning of the next generation’s hardware arms race. Both Microsoft and Sony are in very different places compared to when the current consoles debuted, so this reveal feels more important than ever. And with the coronavirus situation affecting the gaming industry, from canceled trade shows to hardware manufacturing problems, transparent sources of information and leadership are also more important than ever.
And, crucially, will Mark Cerny let us know what Knack is up to? Only time will tell.
Source: Sony via Twitter