



Pokémon Developers File New “Phantom Gate” Trademark

Pokémon Developers File New “Phantom Gate” Trademark

Name a game that Game Freak makes. OK, now name a game that Game Freak makes that isn’t Pok é mon .

If you were stumped, don’t worry. A brand new Trademark was filed by Game Freak, as well as Nintendo and Creatures Inc. It covers the title Phantom Gate a game that oddly enough, doesn’t have Pok é mon in the title.

We think that this new trademark could be one of two things. It could be an entirely new game made by Game Freak. It will probably have collectible elements of some sort, and will likely follow Pok é mon ’s spirit, if not its entire formula.  On the other hand, this could be a subtitle for a brand new Pok é mon spin-off game. Think of it like the Pok é mon Mystery Dungeon series.

For now, we don’t know much about the game aside from its trademark. We will bring you more information about Phantom Gate as it becomes available.

Source: Siliconera

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