



Ready Player One won’t be Ready until 2017

Ready Player One won’t be Ready until 2017

Ready Player One is one of those novels most people who love video games probably read once in their life. It’s the story of Wade Watts, an Easter Egg hunter in a virtual world called OASIS, searching for clues left by creator James Halliday. He finds one, which sets off a hunt to become heir to Halliday’s estate. And now, we know when the movie based on the book should appear.

The release date for Ready Player One is now December 15, 2017. Steven Spielberg is attached as a producer and director. The script was written by Ernest Cline and Eric Eason, with Zak Penn reworking it for the film. However, the cast hasn’t been unveiled and major production work hasn’t begun.

Let’s hope Ready Player One actually makes that release date!

Source: Polygon

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