



Sakurai Interested in VR

Sakurai Interested in VR

Masahiro Sakurai, the developer of the Kirby and Super Smash Brothers franchises, is interested in making a game tailored for VR headsets like the Oculus Rift. He says that many franchises, like Jumping Flash! Love Plus, Resident Evil and Fatal Frame would work great with VR technology. He also said that VR would work phenomenally for driving games, really putting you in the cockpit of a souped up race car. He does, however, feel that VR is not a good fit for fighting games, so fans shouldn’t get their hopes up for a VR version of the new Smash Bros.

Sakurai also had feelings about how VR could be integrated for FPS style games. Specifically, he actually thinks its kind of an ill fit, mostly because of how you control the game. He said games like that have “two concepts of direction.” There is the way the character is moving, and then where the character is aiming. It’s kind of like a tank, where something moves the tank itself and another thing moves the cannon. In FPSs, where would your aiming cursor go? Would it be attached to the motion of your head, or would the controls be able to override your head motion? It makes things complicated.

What do you think? Do you agree with Sakurai about the future of VR and the genres that it could be used in?

Source: Kotaku

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