



This May Be the Last Super Smash Bros. Ever!

This May Be the Last Super Smash Bros. Ever!

All goods things much come to an end…even Nintendo games.

Ah Super Smash Bros. If there’s one title that appeals to both sides of the gamer coin equally (like the causal platformers and hardcore FPS players alike), it’s this quirky little beatum’ up. “Little” doesn’t actually do it justice, as Nintendo has consistently packed Smash Bros. so full of characters and goodies, it can easily be seen as one giant love letter to fans (not to mention a tribute to their own key franchises from years past).

Its latest incarnation is no exception, as the release was not only heralded as the second coming of Mario in some circles, but credited as giving the Wii U a much needed sales bump. Unfortunately you’d better enjoy it, as this could be the last Super Smash Bros. ever created. The game is about to lose support from one of its biggest influences Masahiro Sakurai, as the series director is looking to finally step back. The revelation came during a recent interview with Game Informer magazine. “I can’t positively declare there won’t be another Smash Bros. With both and Brawl , I made those games with the thought that there wouldn’t be any more sequels. Thus, I really can’t deny the chance for another. However, as for myself, I don’t think there will be…Our intention with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U was to provide extra merits to the game which go far beyond the sale price. In terms of scope, and in terms of sheer number of characters, we went beyond our limits long ago…That may seem like it contradicts my personal desire to keep giving gamers as much as I can…I also have trouble picturing someone else taking my place and providing all this value-added content without me…I hope people don’t think that Smash Bros. has come to its natural conclusion as a matter of course. That’s my personal plea.” he states.

Now I have to admit, I’m not as Smash crazy as many of you out there. In fact, to this day I’ve still never played the original. While that might sound like sacrilege coming from a video game journalist, it just so happens that I never owned a GameCube back in the day. When Melee was released in 2001, I could only admire it from afar. Frankly, I didn’t really get what all the fuss was about. It just seemed like Mortal Kombat Trilogy , but with Luigi and Donkey Kong thrown in. It wasn’t until Brawl hit the Wii in 2008 that I finally had my eyes opened. This fighter, in a word, is fun…fun…fun… (yes I know that’s technically three words). But I still have to hand it to Sakurai for speaking the truth and agree with him 100%. He’s right when he says Nintendo went above and beyond chalking the current sequel on the Wii U full of content, as I’m not really sure what more fans could have possibly asked for. Yet, I think that kind of proves his point don’t you? What would a future Super Smash Bros. possibly bring to the table other than gut-wrenching disappointment in the eyes of its base?

This May Be the Last Super Smash Bros. Ever!

I think Smash Bros. is a classic example of too much of a good thing. Right now the series is riding high on a wave of success and admiration that can only slide downhill from here. Besides that, how many more entries does a Mario fighter really need? Additional sequels will inevitably under-deliver, resulting in fans feeling their better days are behind them. If Nintendo DOES ever officially announce the conclusion of the franchise, fanboys are still likely to lose their freakin’ minds anyway. Let’s face it: being supportive isn’t exactly their default position. It’s apparent a guy like Sakurai is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He’s damned if he does (by continuing development and driving things into the ground), or damned if he doesn’t (where he’ll be hated in his efforts to close out this chapter of Nintendo’s history on a positive note).

I say it’s time. Let’s not make this break-up any harder than it needs to be. Just ignore those drunken’ texts from Princess Peach at 3:00am and we’ll all be fine

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