Grand Theft Auto Online has an update coming up that’s going to let us do a lot of cool stuff. It’s called Cunning Stunts and, as you can guess, involves a tons of unexpected driving and racing. Like remember what you used to do with Hot Wheels? You’re going to be doing that with GTA Online , and you’re going to do it on July 12.
GTA Online’ s Cunning Stunts will add new Motorbikes, Sports Cars, and Super Cars. You’ll take these through new races designed to work perfectly with them. This could mean following tracks, jumping through rings of fire, leaping over huge gaps, and even going upside down through tubes.
There’s actually a trailer that does a better job of showing all this off than I could ever explain with words. Watch it. Love it. Wish that it was already June 12, so you could enjoy it in GTA Online right now. I know I’m waiting for Tuesday!
Source: Rockstar Newswire