



Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox One

Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse Pirate mode

Successfully complete the game to unlock Pirate mode. You can select Pirate mode after a new game is started. In this mode, Shantae will start with all the pirate gear, which allows new shortcuts and faster times. Note: No health or upgrades are carried over.

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Water Dungeon secret level

Play the first labyrinth, Spittle Maze, on Saliva Island. Note: Risky’s boots are required. When you first drop down into the labyrinth, you will land on a big step. Use Risky’s boots to charge into the step. Shantae will pass through and enter a hidden passageway. Follow it to reach a version of the Water Dungeon from the original Shantae from the Game Boy Color, including retro graphics and music. At the end of the secret level are three big jars with 1 Pirate Flare, 1 Super Monster Milk, and 1 Auto-Potion.

Alternate ending

Collect all Dark Magic from the 20 Cursed Cacklebats. When you face the Pirate Master in the Palace, he will be Full-Power Pirate Master. Defeat him to view the true ending.

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Bonus wallpaper

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding wallpaper:

    Pirate Shantae and Friends: Successfully complete the game with less than 100% completion in over 2 hours.
    Shantae and Risky Boots: Successfully complete the game in under two hours.
    Shantae vs. ScorpGal: Successfully complete the game with 100% completion.

Easy money

Purchase the three-pack of Monster Milk at the item shop in Scuttle Town for 130 gems. Leave the shop and travel all the way left to the crying Town Mayor. He will pay you 50 gems for each Monster Milk you give him. This results in a total profit of 60 gems. Repeat this process as many times as desired.


Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Eww! Eew! Eew! (5 points): Obtain Squid Oil.
    Smells like victory! (5 points): Release the Ham Stink.
    Avoided a Curse… (5 points): Obtain all three Mummy Sketches.
    The fun part! (5 points): Obtain the Golden Pickaxe.
    It belongs in a museum! (5 points): Obtain the Fossil.
    I GAINED THE ADVANTAGE! (5 points): Collect the Enchanted Blade.
    Mutant Buffalo (5 points): Obtain Manly Musk.
    Comfort and Convenience (5 points): Obtain the Spirit from Abner.
    It ain’t not gonna miss. (5 points): Help Ammo Baron fire the Palace Disruptor Cannon.
    Ret-2-go! (5 points): Defeated the Ammo Baron.
    Special Weaponry (20 points): Defeat 250 enemies using Shantae’s Monster Whipper!
    Ready for anything! (20 points): Defeat 50 enemies using Pirate Weapons.
    Squid Savior (75 points): Complete the game without any Health upgrades and all Heart Squids collected.
    Gotta Get ‘Em All (15 points): Collect 50% of the Heart Squids.
    MELT! THEM!! DOWN!!! (30 points): Collect all Heart Squids.
    Destroying the Dark Magic (15 points): Collect 50% of the Dark Magic.
    Prepared for Battle (30 points): Collect all Dark Magic.
    Zombie Survival Guide (50 points): Get Rottytops to Abner Tree without making any mistakes in a single attempt.
    Nostalgia Trip (15 points): Discover the secret Labyrinth.
    Skilled Survivor (25 points): Complete the hidden training room.
    On the map! (10 points): Collect all Labyrinth maps.
    Broken Bones (10 points): Destroy 20 bones with the Bubble Shield.
    Risky’s Business (5 points): Use a Pirate Flare to return to Risky’s ship.
    What an eyesore… (10 points): Defeated the Cyclops Plant using only Pike Balls.
    Pest Control (5 points): Destroy 10 Spider Eggs before they hatch.
    Tasty Treats (5 points): Sample the entire menu!

Additionally, there are 18 secret achievements:

    Fool me once… (5 points): Play keep away with the Ammo Baron.
    From my hair to his derriere! (10 points): Defeated the Ammo Baron without taking any damage.
    Green Thumb (5 points): Defeated the Cyclops Plant.
    Master Gardener (10 points): Defeated the Cyclops Plant without taking damage.
    Arachnophobia (15 points): Defeated the Empress Spider.
    Squashed Spider (25 points): Defeated the Empress Spider without taking damage.
    Ten-tickles (15 points): Defeated the Squid Baron.
    Calamari Connoisseur (25 points): Defeated the Squid Baron without taking damage.
    Graet Jobb (20 points): Defeated Dagron.
    Prefectionist (25 points): Defeated Dagron without taking damage.
    Hunk of Junk (20 points): Defeated the Steel Maggot.
    Scrap Metal (25 points): Defeated the Steel Maggot without taking damage.
    Vanished into the eternal abyss… (30 points): Defeated the Pirate Master.
    Nothing but a shade… (50 points): Defeated the Pirate Master without taking damage.
    Speed Runner (80 points): Saved Scuttle Town as fast as possible!
    Guardian Genie (50 points): Defeat the Pirate Master’s true form.
    Purple Haired Warrior Maiden (100 points): Achieve 100% completion in record time!
    Half-Genie Hero (100 points): Defeated the Pirate Master’s true form without taking any damage.
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