



Shinichi Suzuki Steps Down From Atlus

Trails of Cold Steel III key art

Shinichi Suzuki Steps Down From Atlus


President and CEO of Atlus’ North American publishing branch, Shinichi Suzuki, has announced that he’s stepping down from his position.

“I am so proud to have served at the helm of such a well-loved brand as Atlus,” Suzuki said. “I thank my staff and all of the fans that continue to support the company and its games. Under new leadership, we will continue our proud tradition of excellent games and exceptional localizations. I extend my sincerest thanks to all who helped in some way to make us successful.”

Reasons weren’t given for why Suzuki was stepping down, although we do know that he will remain with Index Digital Media, Inc., Atlus’ parent company, in an advisory role through September. Suzuki will be replaced by Naoto Hiraoka, current head of consumer business at Index.

As of now, we do not know how this transition will affect Atlus’ properties like the recently released Persona 4: Arena. We will bring you more updates on the workings of Atlus as they become available.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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