



Skyrim: Golden Booze For A Game Gone Gold

Skyrim: Golden Booze For A Game Gone Gold


It’s an auspicious day for the developers of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Today, on the Bethesda blog, the team has announced the completion of over 20 versions of their fantasy epic, divided across multiple platforms, countries, and languages. That’s right: the game has gone gold. Any lingering doubts you may have had that, come November 11, the game would be yours to purchase as you saw fit may now be put to rest.

In celebration, the team cracked open bottles of golden mead. Not content to buy stuff from the local liquor store, team members Kurt Kuhlmann, Ryan Jenkins, and Shane Liesegang had brewed their own in preparation for this most exciting of occasions, and the good folks behind the Bethesda blog have been kind enough to share with us images of the homespun spirit and the resulting festivities.

Is there a possibility of seeing this mead for sale in stores? They’re already bringing out a soundtrack , so who knows? But it would open the door for themed beverages from other Bethesda properties. I’d sure as hell buy a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum. Wouldn’t you?

By Shelby Reiches

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