



Skyrim, Now With 100% More SPAAAAAAACE!

Skyrim, Now With 100% More SPAAAAAAACE!


In celebration of the release of the Skyrim Creation Kit , Valve has teamed up with Bethesda to create a Portal 2 themed Skyrim mod. The mod is called “Fall of the Space Core, Vol. 1” and it chronicles what happens to the Space Core after being jettisoned into space at the end of Portal 2. The core falls onto the world of Skyrim, and follows you around on your daily adventures, adding his own two cents about space and… yeah, he pretty much just talks about space.

The fact that this is only volume one of the mod implies that we may see additional add-ons coming out in the future. Might we see some Space Core centric quests? We can only hope.

Here’s what Valve had to say about the newly released mod: “Since Skyrim was the only major release of 2011 without Nolan North in it, you should consider this mod a patch to fix that problem. You can now feel free to include Skyrim in the ‘Nolan North’ section of your video game library, which is to say, your video game library.”

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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