



Sonic And All-Stars Racing: Transformed Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

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Sonic And All-Stars Racing: Transformed Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC

Sonic And All-Stars Racing: Transformed Expert mode

Win all five Grand Prix – Mirrored Cups to unlock the Expert difficulty.

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Grand Prix – Mirrored Cups

Win all five standard Grand Prix Cups to unlock the Grand Prix – Mirrored Cups.

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Bonus characters

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character:

    AGES: In World Tour mode – Superstar Showdown, win Ranger Rush (Sprint); purchasable for 165 stars.
    Alex Kidd: Set the system date to December 25, 2012 or later.
    Amigo: In World Tour mode – Sunshine Coast, win Studio Scrapes (Versus); purchasable for 8 stars.
    Avatar/Mii: Win the first five Grand Prix Cups.
    Danica Patrick: In World Tour mode – Frozen Valley, win Pirate Plunder (Race); purchasable for 16 stars.
    Doctor Eggman: Win all five Grand Prix – Mirrored Cups.
    Gilius Thunderhead: In World Tour mode – Moonlight Park, win Molten Mayhem (Ring Race); purchasable for 120 stars.
    Gum: In World Tour mode – Moonlight Park, win Jet Set Jaunt (Boost Challenge); purchasable for 105 stars.
    Joe Musashi: In World Tour mode – Twilight Engine, win Shinobi Showdown (Versus); purchasable for 85 stars.
    NiGHTS: In World Tour mode – Scorching Skies, win Carrier Crisis (Sprint); purchasable for 80 stars.
    Pudding: In World Tour mode – Twilight Engine, win Hatcher Hustle (Sprint); purchasable for 50 stars.
    Reala: In World Tour mode – Superstar Showdown, win Nightmare Meander (Ring Race); purchasable for 160 stars.
    Shadow The Hedgehog: In World Tour mode – Frozen Valley, win Seaside Scrap (Versus); purchasable for 35 stars.
    Vyse: In World Tour mode – Scorching Skies, win Rogue Rings (Ring Race); purchasable for 30 stars.

Quick start

Each time the screen fades during the pre-race countdown, tap [Accelerate] to start with a Level 3 boost. If done correctly, the flames at the rear of the plane will turn red, purple, then blue.

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