



Cheats and Cheat Codes for The Sims 4: Werewolves

Cheats and Cheat Codes for The Sims 4: Werewolves

In light of Halloween being just a few days away, our contributors have decided to share a curated list of cheats and cheat codes related to the release of The Sims 4: Werewolves expansion. This anticipated update brings with it new features, abilities, unlockable items and many cheat commands.

Werewolves are incredibly popular in video games, and EA seems to be aware of it.

On either the PlayStation 4, Playstation 5 or any of the Xbox console editions, players have the ability to summon the cheat box by pressing the four primary triggers simultaneously at the same time.

Players playing on PC only have to hold the CTRL key and Shift, then they have to press C. Make sure to do this in the corresponding order.

Mac is the same as the PC in terms of the order, however instead of pressing the CTRL key, players use the Command key used on all Mac devices. After pressing the Command key together with Shift, players then press C.

When the textbox appears in the top of the screen, proceed to enter ‘testingcheats true’ to enable the use of cheats inside of the game. Players can also use the ‘testingcheats on’ for a similar effect. Players have to be sure that the space layout and the lower-case letters are correct, since it is extremely case sensitive. Once these cheats are activated in a save file, players lose the ability to earn trophies, achievements or other accomplishments in your chosen platform for that specific save file.

List of Werewolf Cheats

The following cheat codes are exclusive to The Sims 4: Werewolf and have been released so far. We will maintain this to be updated regularly.

Description of the CheatCheat Code
This cheat can turn your Sim into a werewolf.traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf
The following cheat allows werewolves to turn back into a Sim in a human form.traits.remove_trait trait_occultwerewolf
This cheat enables werewolves to complete their current aspiration.aspirations.complete_current_milestone
Players can gain werewolf XP that can unlock unique abilities when enabling this cheat code. Replace the hashtag in the code with the amount of XP you wish to add to your Werewolf Rank. It can be as little or as much as you want.stats.set_stat rankedStatistic_Werewolf_Progression #

In The Sims 4: The Werewolf expansion pack has traits that are available to players. These traits can add very specific buffs to their Sims, however this depends on the friendship that the Sim holds with other werewolves. It takes into account whether they come from a family of werewolves, or whether they have achieved any of their werewolf aspirations. The aforementioned traits can be removed from the Sim by using the same cheat, using ‘equip’ with ‘remove’. So, if a player wishes to remove a cheat that for the sake of this example is ‘Friend of the Wildfangs’ the code that must be typed would be the following:

traits.remove_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB

Name of the CheatExpansion-exclusive Code
Adds ‘Refined Lupine’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterFuryContro
Adds ‘Chomp Champion’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_BetterTurning
Adds ‘Werewolf Ally’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FormerLycan
Adds ‘Fanged Friend’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_FriendlyWolf
Adds ‘Threatening Presence trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_AspirationTraits_MoreFear
Adds ‘Dormant Wolf’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_DormantWolf
Adds ‘Greater Wolf Blood’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_GreaterWolfBlood
Adds ‘Lunar Confidant’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_InitiationBonusTrait
Adds ‘Friend of the Moonwood Collective’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendA
Adds ‘Friend of the Wildfangs’ trait to your Simtraits.equip_trait trait_WerewolfPack_FriendB

Cheats About the Temperament of the Werewolves

There is a list of cheat codes that players have reported apply a temperament to their Sims. Temperaments, in the context of the game, are given in the midst of gameplay. Each temperament offers a particular one-of-a-kind behavior. In order to get rid of the temperament, all the player has to do is exchange the word ‘equip’ with the word ‘remove’ within the code of the game.

Official Cheat TitleAssigned Code
Anti-Capitalist Caninetraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_AntiCapitalistCanine
Big Bad Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_BigBadWolf
Carnivoretraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Carnivore
Easy Excitabletraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_EasyExcitable
Feels Outcastedtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_FeelsOutcasted
Friskytraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Frisky
Grumpy Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_GrumpyWolf
Hates Being Wettraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HatesBeingWet
Hungry Like The Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_HungryLikeTheWolf
Mark of The Foresttraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_ForestMark
Mark of the Hunttraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_HuntMark
Mark of the Nighttrait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_NightMark
Mark of the Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Lunar_WolfMark
Must Be Cleantraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_MustBeClean
Night Wolftraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_NightWolf
Pridefultraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Prideful
Restless Animaltraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_RestlessAnimal
Sensitive Hearingtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SensitiveHearing
Survival Instinctstraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_SurvivalInstincts
Territorialtraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_Territorial
Wolf Braintraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WolfBrain
Wracked With Guilttraits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_WrackedWithGuilt

That’s all the content regarding werewolves that we have for the time being, be sure to look at our other articles about cheat codes in The Sims such as this one or this one!

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