



Sony Reveals Wonderbook, J.K. Rowling on Board

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Sony Reveals Wonderbook, J.K. Rowling on Board


In a lengthy presentation at its annual E3 presser, Sony unveiled Wonderbook, an augmented reality peripheral which will utilize the PlayStation Move and PlayStation Eye in an attempt to provide enhanced, virtual stories.

Sony wasted no time in revealing a major partnership for the new platform, as the company has confirmed that Harry Potter scribe J.K. Rowling is writing the first release for the peripheral. Entitled Book of Spells, the virtual book will see players assume the role of Hogwarts newbie Miranda Goshawk, who is tasked with learning and practicing new wizarding spells in the Potter universe. The demo provided seemed to work in a similar way to EyePet, with players using the Move as a spell-casting wand, translating the Move’s motions to magical happenings on the television screen.

While not exactly a “game” in the truest sense of the word, Book of Spells does look like a fun, kid-friendly way to engage with the Harry Potter universe. Parents out there may want to take note this fall, when Wonderbook releases exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

By Jeff Dunn

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