



Sony’s SimulView 3DTV Gets Launch Date

Sony’s SimulView 3DTV Gets Launch Date


Fans of 3D gaming got a little treat at last summer’s E3 conference in the form of Sony’s SimulView 3DTV. However, even though some gamers have been chomping at the bit to get their hands on one of these TVs, Sony has been a bit secretive about the actual release date. Well, the company recently revealed that the SimulView will finally hit the market on November 13.

For those of you who are confused as to what makes the SimulView interesting, here’s Sony’s description: “The 3D Display is the only display on the market that supports the SimulView two-player gaming feature.” SimulView allows for two players to each see their own gameplay simultaneously on the same screen. It’s almost like magic.

However, in order for the TV to work correctly, each individual game must also support the technology, and so far, not many games do. Sony ran down the complete list of launch titles, which include MotorStorm Apocalypse, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, and Super Stardust HD. “We’ll have more titles to share soon,” Sony’s blog notes. “We are continuing to evaluate all games that would be candidates for SimulView and working individually with each respective development team to determine if enabling SimulView makes sense.”

Hopefully that last statement is code for “Resistance 3 will be supported very soon.”

By Josh Engen

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