Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Chapter 1
Enter ” SEEHOWTHEYRUN ” as a code.
Chapter 2
Enter ” CITYPLANET ” as a code.
Chapter 3
Enter ” LOCKDOWN ” as a code.
Chapter 4
Enter ” DUGSOPLENTY ” as a code.
Chapter 5
Enter ” BANTHAPOODOO ” as a code.
Chapter 6
Enter ” MANDALORIANWAY ” as a code.
Mission 1
Enter ” BEAST PIT ” as a code.
Mission 2
Enter ” GIMMEMYJETPACK ” as a code.
Mission 3
Enter ” CONVEYORAMA ” as a code.
Mission 4
Enter ” BIGCITYNIGHTS ” as a code.
Mission 5
Enter ” IEATNERFMEAT ” as a code.
Mission 6
Enter ” VOTE4TRELL ” as a code.
Mission 7
Enter ” LOCKUP ” as a code.
Mission 8
Enter ” WHAT A RIOT ” as a code.
Mission 9
Enter ” SHAFTED ” as a code.
Mission 10
Enter ” BIGMOSQUITOS ” as a code.
Mission 11
Enter ” ONEDEADDUG ” as a code.
Mission 12
Enter ” WISHIHADMYSHIP ” as a code.
Mission 13
Enter ” MOSGAMOS ” as a code.
Mission 14
Enter ” TUSKENS R US ” as a code.
Mission 15
Enter ” BIG BAD DRAGON ” as a code.
Mission 16
Enter ” MONTROSSISBAD ” as a code.
Mission 17
Enter ” VOSAISBADDER ” as a code.
Mission 18
Enter ” JANGOISBADDEST ” as a code.
Concept art
Enter ” R ARTISTS ROCK ” as a code.
TGC Cards
Enter ” GO FISH ” as a code.
Easy ID check
Wrap an enemy or a innocent person with a rope and then scan them. Note: This is an easier way to get them alive.
Save rifle rounds
Instead of wasting your rifle rounds, turn on your scanner and zoom in around you. Make sure you are in a safe place. Once an enemy is found, leave the sight on the enemy, and while still holding R2 switch to your Dual Blasters and shoot away. Note: Your scanners can also be used as nightvision goggles.
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- Target Acquired (Bronze): Mark and claim your first bounty.
- Dead or Alive, Meeko (Bronze): Complete Chapter 1.
- Lowlifes in High Places (Bronze): Complete Chapter 2.
- The Asteroid Prison (Bronze): Complete Chapter 3.
- A Tense Partnership (Bronze): Complete Chapter 4.
- A Favor for a Hutt (Bronze): Complete Chapter 5.
- No Civilian Casualties (Bronze): Kill 150 enemies in one level without killing any non-enemies.
- Body Count: 1,000 (Bronze): Kill 1,000 total enemies.
- All My Own Work (Bronze): Kill an enemy with a manually guided missile.
- Going After Vosa (Silver): Complete Chapter 6.
- Body Count: 1,500 (Silver): Kill 1,500 total enemies.
- Non-Lethal Force (Gold): Capture every Secondary Bounty.
Additionally, there is one secret trophy:
- Secrets of the Galaxy (Silver): Find all 18 secrets.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.