



Stealth Gameplay Abounds in UrineTrouble*

Stealth Gameplay Abounds in UrineTrouble*


From developers, P&S comes an incredible new game guaranteed to make you wet yourself.

You can find youself in lots of trouble when you play UrineTrouble, the game that lets you relieve yourself on some of the most popular landmarks on the planet. Just don’t get caught or UrineTrouble.

“It’s every boys’ dream to be able to take a leak on the Eiffel Tower, or the Washington Monument. At P&S we’re all about making dreams come true,” says company spokesperson Alf Teller. “UrineTrouble is a game the combines stealth with action adventure. It’s all about sneaking up to an iconic landmark and leaving your mark without raising suspicion. The more adventurous you are, the higher the score. You’ll get more points for taking a leak in broad daylight than you will undercover of the night,” Teller explains. “But this isn’t a boys’ club. UrineTrouble is also for females. A lot of girl beta testers have said that they enjoyed the immature sense of vicarious viscous vandalism,” he adds.

Giving the game a greater sense of immersion through interactivity is the P-Troller, a peripheral intended to put the game in the Guitar Hero category. The P-Troller is an elongated plastic tube in which the player will direct his waste fluid. Equipped with a series of sensors, the unit is plugged into the console to be used like an actual controller. The P-Troller is capable of calculating the velocity, volume and accuracy of the stream and applying it to the gameplay. Higher points will be awarded for greater acidity. Players are encouraged to consume large quantities of beverages during play to “fuel” their tools. Females can use the V-Troller attachment, and enjoy the same freedom as their male counterparts. The V-Troller attachment is sold separately.

“Some of the famous landmarks that you can desecrate include the Taj Mahal, Mount Rushmore, Big Ben, The Kremlin, Disneyland, The Pyramids, and Donald Trump’s hair,” Teller exclaims. “You have to be careful not to get spotted. Keep in mind that in places like Niagra Falls and Mount Rushmore people will be viewing through binoculars. If security is alerted, you’ll be arrested and forced to stop in mid-stream, and we all know how uncomfortable that is,” Teller warns.

The company is planning on developing a variety of similarly themed games including one titled, Crapshoot. It involves the ingestion of chili and a motorized para-glider equipped with a toilet seat. The object of the game will be to bombard specific targets throughout various cities. “We had a few different titles for this one including Wasteland and Super Dooper Pooper, but we settled on Crapshoot,” Teller explains. “Personally I thing we should have just simply named these games Number One and Number Two respectively,” Teller concluded.

*This article is presented as an exclusive Cheat Code Central feature titled “Are you dumb enough to believe this?” Please check back each Friday for the newest edition.

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