



Street Fighter V Will Be Supported Until 2020

Street Fighter V Will Be Supported Until 2020

Street Fighter V’ s received quite a bit of support since it’s been released. There have been lots of new characters and stages added as paid DLC. New modes were offered for free. There have been tournaments. And, for people on the PlayStation 4 and PC who are playing, the future looks even brighter. Yoshinori Ono told Famitsu that Capcom has a four year plan for the game.

To be specific, Ono told the outlet that Street Fighter V will be supported until 2020. He notes that the company wants to make sure it finds success as an eSports title. Which would be bolstered by adding new characters and offering more balancing. Neither of those things have been announced yet, but it seems obvious if the game is going to remain active for years to come.

Who would you like to see come back to Street Fighter V , should Capcom make good on this “until 2020” promise? I think we need to see Dan, Sakura, E. Honda, Sagat, and perhaps even Poison again. But definitely Dan and Sakura should show up again!

Source: Famitsu , Event Hubs

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