



Team Fortress 2 Übercharges The Medic

Team Fortress 2 Übercharges The Medic


The Team Fortress 2 Über Update continues to move forward with day 4, the Clinical Trial, which gives us three new updates for the medic.

The first new medic toy is called The Quick Fix, a new medigun. This gun heals forty percent quicker and builds Übercharge twenty-five percent quicker, but unfortunately cannot overheal. When the Übercharge meter is full, unfortunately you cannot turn your heal target invincible, but you do supercharge your healing rate by 300%, which is kind of like being invincible. As a plus, you also get to move at the speed of any heal target that is faster than you. So latch yourself to a scout and you’ll get to the other side of the map in seconds.

The Overdose is the medic’s new syringe gun, and it comes with an interesting mechanic that makes you move faster based on how much Übercharge you have built up. At maximum, you move ten percent quicker than you normally do, but as a downside, the gun will always do ten percent less damage.

The final item is an accessory for the medic called The Solemn Vow. It’s a bust of Hippocrates that allows you to see enemy health and thus pick off the stragglers that are just about to die.

To wrap this all up in one awesome package, Valve also finally released the Meet the Medic video.

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