



The Haunted Picked Up By THQ

The Haunted Picked Up By THQ


A while back, Intel and Epic Games held a competition called “Make Something Unreal.” It was a contest that challenged modders to make a new game using the Unreal engine. The winner was a game called The Haunted, a horror game twist on Unreal Tournament 3. The development team won a huge cash prize and industry recognition, but it seems as if their biggest prize is coming a little late.

THQ is picking up this gory third-person survival horror shooter for a full commercial release. The commercial version will be called The Haunted: Hell’s Reach, and will be released in October for the PC, just in time for Halloween. Major console releases will follow in 2012 via the PSN and XBLA.

The ultra-violent shock-scare game will only cost $20. So if you want to have a spooky LAN party this Halloween, you might want to check the game out.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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