



The Kinect Can Use Your Body for Security Control

The Kinect Can Use Your Body for Security Control


So, here’s the big problem with parental controls: parents tend to be technologically inept. I’m not trying to be mean here, but my mom can barely set up a VCR … wait a minute, no one uses VCRs anymore … my mom can barely set up a TiVo much less parental controls for a console. So if you have to ask your kid to set up the password that prevents your kid from playing M rated games well it kind of defeats the purpose.

Luckily, the Kinect might be able to change all of this. Instead of using a password, personal information, or separate accounts to differentiate between users, the Kinect can use the gamer’s body itself. If it sees a person with the body dimensions of a kid, then it immediately switches on parental controls. Otherwise it will unlock games of all rating types.

This news comes from a Microsoft patent that was filed in March of last year, but was recently made public. The patent details the detection methods the Kinect would use, and the abilities the parental control system would have. For example, you can be having tons of fun playing Mortal Kombat, but if the Kinect sees your five year old son walk into the room, it will save your game, blank out the screen, and switch over to “safe” mode. It’s pretty nifty and should reduce instances of young children playing games they really shouldn’t be.

By Angelo D’Argenio

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