



The Pokemon 20th is Overshadowing Another Important Series

The Pokemon 20th is Overshadowing Another Important Series

2016 is a big year for a lot of series. Many anniversaries are being celebrated. Two of the biggest happen to be the 20th anniversaries of both the Pokemon and Resident Evil series. However, one is getting its due, while the other isn’t getting the respect it deserves.

Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have been going all out for Pokemon ‘s birthday. Old games, updated with local wireless and online features, are on the eShop. Everyone gets to get to play Pokemon Red , Blue , and Yellow again on their 3DS systems. At the last Nintendo Direct, Nintendo revealed Pokemon Sun and Moon for the 3DS, all-new entries in the series. The online Pokemon Center store has been stocking tons of new items, with new stuffed animals, Nendoroid figures, and cards to enjoy. We’re even getting spin-off games, like Pokken Tournament and the experimental Pokemon Go .

20 years is an event, perhaps one of the most important milestones, and every announcement these two companies has made shows they get it. They want people hyped and excited about Pokemon, and guess what? It’s working. The variety means there’s something for everyone.

Conversely, Capcom hasn’t really seemed to have thought things through for Resident Evil . This is one of their biggest properties, but the hype surrounding the 20th is lackluster. There aren’t any games to get excited about. Instead of giving people something amazing and new, the company released the Resident Evil 0: HD Remaster back in January and is porting the fourth, fifth, and sixth entries in the series to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The Pokemon 20th is Overshadowing Another Important Series

Yes, there’s Umbrella Corps , but that doesn’t really count as a true, new Resident Evil . It’s a spin-off. We aren’t getting new information about the world and its characters. We’re getting an online, multiplayer shooter, which is only slightly different and distinct from other online, multiplayer shooters, thanks to its Resident Evil trappings. A new entry should have been announced, especially if it was going to be released in 2016.

A 20th anniversary is an opportunity to surprise and delight fans who have been following a series for years. A certain level of support is expected. With Pokemon and Resident Evil , we’re seeing both sides of the spectrum. On the one hand, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are going out of their respective ways to salute the past with Pokemon Red , Blue , and Yellow Virtual Console releases, prepare for the future with Pokemon Sun and Moon , and innovate with Pokemon Go . Capcom, on the other hand, is being lazy and rereleasing games we’ve already played and probably still own. Both of these series are amazing and deserve the proper respect and celebrations of their longevity.

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