The Temple Of Elemental Evil
Prevent NPC hireling looting
Instead of clicking on the bodies, leave them where they fall. When you get a chance or have cleared the map, exit the map and re-enter. The bodies will be gone, but there will be piles of loot where they fell. The NPC will not loot the pile. Walk over and pick everything up. Also, if your hireling has picked up something he/she cannot identify, when you are bartering select the NPC and drag the item to a different character’s inventory. Normally when you try this, the NPC refuses to drop the item, but it works with unidentified items while in the barter menu.
Cheat Codes
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Command Line Parameter |
Remove fog | -nofog |
Map select | -startmap [map name] |
Disable sound | -nosound |
Display frame rate | -fps |
Unknown | -mod |
Unknown | -scrollfps |
Unknown | -scrolldist |
Unknown | -dialogcheck |
Unknown | -defaultparty |
Unknown | -3dsound |
Unknown | -cleanproto |
Unknown | -dicetest |
Unknown | -mipmapping |
Unknown | -noantialiasing |
Unknown | -maxrefresh |
Unknown | -geometry |
Unknown | -window |
Unknown | -shadow_blobby |
Unknown | -shodow_map |
Unknown | -shadow_poly |
Unknown | -pathtimelimit |
Unknown | -pathlimit |
Unknown | -msmousez |
Unknown | -nonmsmousez |
Unknown | -norandom |
Unknown | -animdedug |
Unknown | -doublebuffer |
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.