Telltale games always seem to just come out whenever itĀ feels like. There have been Telltale releases that we have been notified of literlaly only a few days in advance. The Walking Dead: Season 2 isn’t quite that bad. Telltale did give us at least 10 days notice before it’s release, and we will eagerly be waiting on the edge of our seats for the entirety of those ten days. Yes, we can expect The Walking Dead: Season Two to kick off with Episode 1 on December 17th, according to the game’s official product page on Steam.
Season Two will focus on Clementine. Now left alone after SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS, Clementine has to fend for herself in the zombie apocalypse. Seperated from the people she was traveling with for over a year, Clemetine needs to look for safety where there is none. You will see many familliar faces in Season Two , and will revisit many old locales, including some which you saw in Season One’s expansion, 400 Days. Your descisions from Season 1 will carry over to Season Two, so ghosts from your past may come back to haunt you.
You can pick up a season pass for The Walking Dead: Season 2 for $22.50 on Steam right now, a 10 percent savings over buying each chapter individually. Telltale plans for chapters of The Walking Dead: Season 2 to come out about 4-6 weeks apart throughout 2014. Episodes will launch on PC and MACĀ platforms first before coming to consoles and iOS devices later on.
Source: The Walking Dead on Steam
The image featured at the top of this post is ©The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III key art.