The time has come to give the devil his due, so here I am officially congratulating the Xbox One on some much needed success!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last several days, you’ve probably already heard the news. Due to a hefty price cut, limited-edition bundles and a $100 off coupon, Microsoft has enjoyed one hell of a good weekend. They’ve not been able to claim victory regarding much else over this last year, as 2014 has belonged firmly to the Sony camp. However, the One seized the day on Black Friday, reminding everyone that Xbox isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
The folks at InfoScout have done a great job in collecting the exit data from the big shopping weekend, allowing us to gauge the temperature on exactly who bought what and why. You can read the statistical breakdowns by checking out their official blog here , but there are two main points of interests that stick out to this journalist right off the bat. First up are the bundles. It goes without saying that folks prefer to get a free game when buying a new system (which used to be the norm up ‘till only a decade ago). However, bundles offered by both console manufactures significantly helped raise commitment from what we’ve seen in Black Friday’s past. According to over 75% of people surveyed, this was a major influence on why they decided to take the next-gen plunge over the holiday. Beyond that, many were surprised to see PS4 generate so little interest. Only capturing 15% of the market share (in comparison to Xbox’s whopping 53%), Sony actually slid into the #2 spot behind Microsoft at major retailers like Walmart and Target.
You don’t have to be a seasoned analyst or one of those telephone psychics to read the tea leaves on this one. Cleary Microsoft has cause to celebrate, and should party their asses off while their time in the hot sun is still burning bright. I say this, as a serious reality check is just around the corner. I predict the Xbox will continue to ride this wave of success into the Christmas season, as additional sales will continue to drive the price down until at least the New Year. Beyond that is another story.Once Microsoft and Sony get back to business as usual, it’s likely you’ll see a firm sales shift swing back towards the PS4. At the end of the day, they still have the services, hardware and forward-thinking design concepts that put them atop the heap in the first place. Nothing’s changed. Unless Microsoft decides to keep their $50 price cut enacted permanently, their balloon is soon to burst. Don’t forget the current fan-far is a welcomed slight-of-hand to distract from Takashi Sensui (Japanese GM), who was recently forced to resign as a result of the Xbox’s abysmal failure during its overseas roll-out.
It’s also important to remember the holidays ultimately belong to the kiddies. The Xbox isn’t experiencing this bump due to a rush of 20-something gamers having suddenly seen the light. It’s because parents use this as an opportunity to do something special for their children come December 25 th . According to the study, “…66% of InfoScout panelists confirmed that they purchased the console for their kids.” When you consider the numbers from that perspective, they take on a very different light. Rumors also suggest the PS4 will soon launch in China sporting a cheaper price tag than the One.
For Microsoft, I hope this is just a rumor. If confirmed, you know it’s simply a matter of time before Sony brings this strategy Stateside (along with another can of whoop-ass).