



Three New Skylanders Joining Spyro

Three New Skylanders Joining Spyro


Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure is getting three new Skylandards: Lightning Rod, Zook, and Sunburn.

Lightning Rod appears to be some sort of electric genie. He is an air character who can fire electric bolts. Sunburn is some kind of dragon/phoenix character that can breathe fire and teleport. Zook is a life character that basically resembles a coconut with a postal complex. He fires a bazooka made of bamboo and is aligned with life.

Lighting Rod and Zook both cost eight dollars each, while Sunburn comes with the Dragon’s Peak Adventure Pack, which retails for twenty dollars. So that’s almost forty dollars if you want all three. Is it worth it to spend the price of a discount game to expand on Skylanders? Hardcore Skylander collectors will definitely think so.

By Angelo M. D’Argenio

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