



Titan’s Quest Devs Succeed On Kickstarter

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Titan’s Quest Devs Succeed On Kickstarter


In the decade between Diablo II and its upcoming successor, many a studio tried to duplicate that game’s tremendous success by applying the basic action-RPG framework to original efforts. Many were terrible or cookie-cutter, but a few stood out, whether because they did something different (Nox) or were simply a very well-made rendition of that basic gameplay (Divine Divinity).

Titan’s Quest fell squarely in the latter category. Even with its pseudo-historical setting, a take on Greek mythos, the game’s basic structure and actual gameplay were never far removed from the Diablo model. And, while the coming months are packed with something of an action-RPG renaissance, what with Diablo III landing next week and Torchlight II coming this summer, there’s always room for one more down the road. The creators of Titan’s Quest have taken to Kickstarter to fund Grim Dawn, a proposed action-RPG for which they already have pre-alpha footage. The Kickstarter has already met its goal, but, with ten days left to go, there’s no reason this fantasy project can’t get even better.

Features promised include “meaningful quest decisions,” a gritty art style in a realistic world, and a complete lack of DRM. That last one alone is probably worthy of a contribution.

By Shelby Reiches

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