



Videogame Purchases Between Male and Female are 50/50, Statistics Reveal

Videogame Purchases Between Male and Female are 50/50, Statistics Reveal

The Entertainment Software Association has recently published a rather enlightening statistics regarding gamers in the US, in the convenient form of a PDF file, titled the “ 2014 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry ”. Easily navigable and easy to understand, the PDF covers who in over 2,200 nationally representative US households play games, what platforms they play on, top-selling genres and more.

Our industry has a remarkable upward trajectory, ” Entertainment Software Association CEO Michael D. Gallagher begins, kicking off the PDF. “ Computer and video games are a form of entertainment enjoyed by a diverse, worldwide consumer base that demonstrates immense energy and enthusiasm for games. With an exciting new generation of hardware, outstanding software, and unmatched creativity, technology, and content, our industry will continue to thrive in the years ahead.

Within this PDF, it’s revealed that  59 percent of Americans play videogames, and there is an average of two gamers in each game-playing household and an average of at least one household member that owns a dedicated gaming platform. The average age of a gamer in the US is 31 years old; 29 percent of under 18-year-olds play games, 32 percent of 18- to 35-year-olds play games, and 39 percent of 36 years plus play games.

As for genders who play games, 52 percent of males play games, followed closely by females with 38 percent. What’s more, females aged 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population, which is 36 percent more than males aged 18 or younger–which is 17 percent. Furthermore, an equal percentage of both male and female purchase games within their respective households, 50 percent each.

If you’re interested in reading up more on the statistics, you’re able to view the PDF for free via the source link below.

[ Entertainment Software Association ]

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