All of the speculation is over. The wondering is done. The original Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City have been confirmed for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, coming to the systems in July for $50. Which is fantastic for us, because other forms of media starring Batman on the big screen haven’t been as satisfying. Giving us Batman: Return to Arkham is ten times better than seeing some other expensive show starring the caped crusader.
Think about Batman vs. Superman . It wasn’t the worst movie. It had its moments, certainly. It wasn’t the best. Probably the greatest recent Batman movies were the original Batman Begins and Batman: The Dark Knight . And what do we have to look forward to in the future? A confirmation that Ben Affleck will be Batman in the next movie too. He’ll also be writing and directing it. While this might be a promising production for some, others may wonder if he’s still the right fit compared to past actors who’ve managed to do so much with the role. You might also wonder if it will even happen, depending on Suicide Squad and the Wonder Woman movie’s performance.
Batman: Return to Arkham saves us from uncertainty. First, we know Batman: Return to Arkham is a good product. These are games we’ve seen before. They’re Game of the Year editions with extra DLC and add-ons to make the experience even better. They’re remastered with Unreal Engine 4. It’s a sure thing. Which is quite a difference from Batman vs. Superman and this forthcoming Affleck movie. We know these are games we’re going to enjoy.
The Batman: Return to Arkham pack gives us stories that we know are interesting and engaging. Seeing Arkham Asylum being taken over from the inside is quite the tale, worthy of appearing in any of the caped crusader’s comics. With Arkham City , we get the back-and-forth relationship between Batman and one of the best actors to ever portray the Joker, Mark Hamill. There’s no risk.
It also makes more sense financially to reinvest in the Batman: Return to Arkham games than set yourself up for heartbreak with more movies. Let’s consider the cost of a show. It’s going to be at least $10. Unless you go for a 3D showing, which will bump up the price by probably $5. That’s for two, maybe three, hours of entertainment. Batman: Return to Arkham is $50 for the about-13 hour Arkham Asylum and about-15 hour Arkham City . That isn’t even counting the add-on content or going for every extra, which could bump the experience up by an additional five or ten hours. It’s a good deal.
Getting Batman: Return to Arkham is better than any Batman movie experience offered. It’s a guaranteed good time, even if you’ve already beaten it once before. The stories are engaging and never get old. You’ll have wonderful performances to enjoy. Plus, it’s going to look prettier than ever. This is going to make for a great summer.