



Witcher Film Set to Release in 2017

Witcher Film Set to Release in 2017

The Witcher, based on the books by Andrzej Sapkowski, has been an incredibly popular video game franchise. Between the books and games, fans have had a lot of opportunity to immerse themselves in the fictional fantasy world. Now, it seems, the series will get even more exposure as a film version has been announced.

The film company, The Sean Daniel Company, most noted for The Mummy movies, is set to produce the film. They plan on teaming up with Polish company Platige Films on the project. Platige Films doesn’t have a whole lot of brand recognition Stateside, but fans of the games may be familiar with the trailer they did for The Witcher 3 , entitled “The Trail.” The company has also worked on other video game related projects.

Currently, details on the project are scarce. We do not know which actors are set to appear in the movie, but we do know that the film will be directed by Tomasz Baginski and written by Thania St. John. It’s worth mentioning that the studio behind the games has no attachment to the film. It’s also interesting to discover that this won’t be the first attempt at a Witcher film. This upcoming, hopefully superior, version is slated to release in 2017.

Source: GameSpot

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