



WWE 2K15 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

WWE 2K15 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3)

WWE 2K15



Successfully complete all objectives in Bad Blood (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) to unlock Evolution.

Proving Ground

Successfully complete all five NXT chapters and objectives.

Proving Ground roster

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Defeat John Cena with all five NXT Superstars to unlock the Proving Ground roster.

Bonus wrestlers

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding wrestler:

    Adrian Neville: Successfully complete the Adrian Neville chapter and objectives.
    Bo Dallas: Successfully complete the Bo Dallas chapter and objectives.
    Corey Graves: Successfully complete the Corey Graves chapter and objectives.
    Rusev and Lana: Successfully complete the Rusev chapter and objectives.
    Sami Zayn: Successfully complete the Sami Zayn chapter and objectives.

Bonus arenas

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding arena:

    NXT Arena: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
    NXT Arrival Arena: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.

Bonus championships

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding championship:

    NXT Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
    NXT Tag Team Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
    NXT Womens Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.

Showcase rivalries objectives

The following is a list of special objectives for showcase rivalries:

Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect

    CM Punk vs. John Cena: Critically damage Cena, execute a top rope signature move at least once (which also triggers a two button QTE), perform a T.S., and win by pinning Cena down.

    John Cena vs. Rey Myesterio: Deal moderate damage to Rey Mysterio, perform Cena’s 5 Knuckle Shuffle signature move, perform an Attitude Adjustment, then immediately follow the finisher with a pin attempt to win.

    CM Punk vs. John Cena: Damage Cena moderately, then perform a Suicide Dive. Use a pinfall to defeat Cena.

    Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk: Defeat Punk with a pinfall.

    John Cena vs. CM Punk: Perform two Attitude Adjustments, then defeat CM Punk.

    John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio: Defeat Alberto with a pinfall or submission. You also must perform a 5 Knuckle Shuffle and defeat him with the STF finisher.

    Triple H vs. CM: Moderately damage CM Punk, then perform a Pedigree immediately followed by a pinfall to win.

    Albert Del Rio vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk: This is a Hell In A Cell match. Moderately damage CM Punk, perform the Enzuigiri corner signature move, then defeat with a pinfall.

    CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Perform G.T.S., then defeat Del Rio by pinning him down.

    CM Punk vs. Big Show: Damage Big Show moderately, and use an Irish Whip to move Big Show into a corner.

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    CM Punk vs. John Cena: Perform G.T.S. twice on John Cena.

    CM Punk and John Cena vs. Big Show and Daniel Bryan: Moderately damage Big Show, and bring Punk inside the ring with a tag. Daniel Bryan must be grappled in a corner; Big Show can be grappled anywhere for the objective completion. Then, perform an Attitude Adjustment and win with a pinfall.

    CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show: This is a No Disqualification match. Moderately damage Big Show, hit him with a Springboard Clothesline, and perform a corner signature move. Then, defeat Big Show with a pinfall.

    John Cena vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, and perform an Attitude Adjustment on him. After the Quick Time Event, perform another Attitude Adjustment. Then, grapple Punk in the corner.

    Ryback vs. CM Punk: Follow and critically damage Punk. Then, perform a Shell Shocked finisher.

    John Cena vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, perform a STF and an Attitude Adjustment, then defeat him with a pinfall.

    CM Punks vs. John Cena vs. Ryback: Moderately damage Cena and attack with a Ground Grapple. Use a corner signature move on Ryback, then defeat Cena with a pinfall.

    The Rock vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, and perform a Wake Up taunt to start a Quick Time Event. Then, perform a People’s Elbow, and win by pinning Punk.

    The Rock vs. CM Punk: Critically damage Punk, and Irish Whip him into the corner. Perform a Rock Bottom to start a Quick Time Event. Perform a few more attacks, then a Rock Bottom followed by a pinfall.

    John Cena vs. CM Punk: Critically damage Punk and perform a 5 Knuckle Shuffle before the Quick Time Event. Perform a STF followed by an Attitude Adjustment.

Best Friends, Bitter Enemies

    Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H: This is a No Disqualification match. Critically damage Triple H, perform a top rope signature move on him, and the Sweet Chin Music corner finisher to start a Quick Time Event.

    Kane vs. Triple H: This is a Casket match. Perform a Chokeslam twice on Triple H. A Quick Time Event may begin if Triple H tries to put you in the casket.

    Kane and Booker T vs. Triple H and Chris Jericho: Lightly damage Jericho and moderately damage Triple H. Perform Booker’s Scissor Kick on Triple H, then defeat him with a pinfall.

    Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels: As Triple H, defend the championship title from the others. After Shawn Michaels enters the ring, use him to perform a finisher outside of the ring. Also, perform a signature move off the chamber pod and hit Triple H. After those objectives are completed, perform Sweet Chin Music followed by a pinfall.

    Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels: Moderately damage Shawn Michaels, then Irish Whip him into the ropes to start a Quick Time Event. Use RVD’s top rope finisher to defeat Shawn Michaels.

    Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam: Pin RVD and moderately damage him. Then, Irish whip him into a corner. Perform a chair hit followed by a pinfall to finish the match.

    Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: This is a Three Stages Of Hell match. You will begin as Triple H in a street fight. Perform a Pedigree and win by pinfall. The second part is a Steel Cage Match as Shawn Michaels. Perform Sweet Chin Music, and defeat Triple H by pinning him. The final part is a Ladder Match as Triple H. Critically damage Shawn Michaels, and win back the championship.

    Chris Jericho and Triple H and Ric Flair vs. Booker T and Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash: Tag in Triple H, and defeat Nash with a pinfall with Triple H.

    Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels: Moderately damage Shawn Michaels, and Irish Whip him into a corner. Perform a Figure 4 Leglock for the last objective.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Batista: Moderately damage Batista, perform the Diving Elbow Drop top rope signature move, then the Sweet Chin Music finisher to start the final Quick Time Event.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H: Lightly damage Triple H, and Irish Whip him into ropes. Then, perform two Sweet Chin Music finishers.

    Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: This is a Last Man Standing match. Lightly damage Shawn Michaels, and Irish Whip him into the ropes to start a Quick Time Event. Then, critically damage Shawn Michaels, and perform a Pedigree inside the ring.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton: Lightly damage and Irish Whip Randy Orton into the ropes. Moderately damage him, then perform Sweet Chin Music.

    Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: Critically damage Shawn Michaels, and let him perform his own finisher to start a cutscene. Then, perform a Pedigree Hit and pinfall.

Who Got NXT mode objectives

The following is a list of special objectives in Who Got NXT mode for each character:

Adrian Neville

    vs. Sami Zayn: Start with your signature move, then kick-out of Sami’s signature move. Defeat him with the Red Arrow top-rope finisher.
    vs. Bo Dallas (ladder match): Make sure he does not touch the belt. Execute Plancha OMG, then finish with Red Arrow using the ladder.
    vs. Corey Graves: Make sure that his lower-body is moderately damaged and you do not take a lot of damage. Then, defeat him using the Red Arrow finisher.
    vs. Bo Dallas: Hit him with four Rope Attacks, then nail him down with Red Arrow. Defeat him using a Reverse 450 as the finishing move.

Bo Dallas

    vs. Big E: Moderately damage him, then Irish Whip him into an exposed turnbuckle. Defeat him with the Bo Dazzler.
    vs. Cesaro: Moderately damage him, and do not allow him execute a finisher. Then, retain the NXT title using DQ.
    vs. Sami Zayn: Critically damage him, then Irish Whip him into an exposed turnbuckle. Defeat him with Leverage Pin.
    vs. Adrian Neville: Critically damage him, and perform an OMG moment by spearing him through the barricade. Defeat him in a count out.

Corey Grave

    vs. Seth Rollins: Critically damage his legs, then drop him with a Chop Block. Submit him with the Lucky 13 leg finisher.
    vs. Bray Wyatt: Perform no finishers, and critically damage him. Then, defeat him with a submission.
    vs. Adrian Neville: Score the first point with a Pinfall, and critically damage his legs. Then, defeat him with the Lucky 13 leg finisher.
    vs. Sami Zayn: Execute two signature moves, and critically damage all his limbs. Then, defeat him with a Lucky 13 finisher.


    vs. Xavier Woods: Critically injure Xavier within two minutes, and avoid taking any critical damage yourself. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
    vs. Kofi Kingston: Critically damage Kofi within five minutes, and avoid taking moderate damage yourself. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
    vs. Rey Mysterio: Avoid receiving a 619, and damage Rey’s legs in the first three minutes. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
    vs. Dolph Ziggler: Avoid light damage, and drop him with a Super Kick. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.

Sami Zayn

    vs. Cesaro: Execute a Blue Thunder Bomb followed by a Helluva Kick. Make sure that Cesaro hits the corner before running to him for the Helluva Kick. End with the Leverage Pin, making sure that his upper-body is damaged well enough.
    vs. Jack Swagger: While Jack is standing, execute a Diving Crossing Body, then Helluva Kick as a finishing move. Ensure that Jack is damaged well enough before using the Diving Crossing Body.
    vs. Corey Graves: Avoid taking damage, and critically damage him. Then, perform a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, his running signature move.
    vs. Cesaro: Moderately damage Cesaro, then execute a Torpedo DDT.

Preset movesets

The indicated moveset is based on the corresponding wrestler:

    Airbourne: Evan Bourne
    Fan Favorite: Zack Ryder
    Gory Specialist: Chavo Guerrero
    Jackson: Eziekiel Jackson
    JoMo: John Morrison
    Legacy: Ted Dibiase Jr.
    Lucha: Sin Cara
    Mason: Mason Ryan
    Moscow Mauler: Vladimir Kozlov
    Most Valuable Player: MVP
    Shake, Rattle, & Roll: Road Dogg
    The Gangsta: JTG
    The Gunslinger: Billy Gunn
    The Masterpiece: Chris Masters
    The Monster: Brodus Clay
    Varsity Villain: Alex Riley


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    All Trophies Earned (Platinum): Earn all trophies.
    A creator is born (Bronze): Upload some kind of user created content once.
    A fresh beginning (Bronze): Play in an Online match (Player match/Ranked match).
    A winner is you (Gold): Win 50 ranked matches.
    A winning combination! (Bronze): Use a wake-up taunt, land a Finisher, and immediately pin your opponent. (Single play)
    Best in the World! (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Beat “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect” on Legend difficulty.
    Comeback! (Bronze): Successfully perform a Comeback Move. (Single play)
    Discovering the Universe (Silver): WWE Universe – Play and win 50 matches.
    Everybody wins! (Bronze): Win with 50 different Superstars. (Single play)
    Excellent execution (Bronze): Attack every body part at least once using the limb targeting system. (Single play/Exhibition)
    Feed me more! (Silver): Win at least 50 matches on Hard difficulty or higher in Universe or Exhibition. (Single play)
    Foundation of the future (Bronze): Who Got NXT – Receive a grade of A or better in Proving Ground.
    Frenemies (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies”, 8/25/02 SummerSlam on Hard or higher.
    Game over (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Beat “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies” on Legend difficulty.
    Match maker (Gold): Win in 20 match variations. (Single play)
    Mid-carder (Silver): Reach mid-carder rank playing ranked matches.
    Mr. Money in the Bank (Gold): WWE Universe – Win Money in the Bank using a custom Superstar. (Single play)
    Next Generation (Bronze): Who Got NXT – Complete all objectives.
    Now that was a match! (Bronze): Earn 3000 points or more playing ranked matches.
    NXT Takeover (Bronze): Defeat John Cena using one of the NXT Superstars.
    One of a kind Superstar (Bronze): Create a custom Superstar that uses a Superstar head.
    Over the ropes you go! (Bronze): Eliminate 12 opponents with the same Superstar in a single Royal Rumble match. (Single play)
    Reached the ropes! (Bronze): Crawl to the ropes during a submission. (Single play)
    Redbox Big Moment (Bronze): Break the announce table with an OMG! Moment. (Single play/Exhibition)
    Road to WrestleMania (Bronze): WWE Universe – Win WrestleMania main event as the Royal Rumble winner. (Single play)
    Storm out (Gold): WWE Universe – Play and win 180 rivalry matches.
    Tap! Tap! Tap! (Bronze): Make an opponent tap out with a submission that is not a Finisher or Signature move. (Single Play)
    The beginning of a record (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”, 11/20/11 Survivor Series on Hard or higher.
    The Deadman defeated (Silver): WWE Universe – Defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania using a custom Superstar.
    The Giant killer (Bronze): Beat Big Show using Rey Mysterio on Hard difficulty. (Single play)
    The Kliq (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies”.
    The Second City Savior (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”, 7/17/11 Money In The Bank on Hard or higher.
    This is my yard! (Bronze): Create and play a match in at least one custom Arena. (Single play)
    True Champion (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”.
    Unknown veteran (Bronze): Win 10 times using a custom Superstar.
    Warlords (Bronze): WWE Universe – Play and win WWE World Heavyweight Championship 3 times. (Single play)
    Watch out! (Bronze): Successfully reverse a Finisher. (Single play)
    We have a winner! (Silver): Win at least 20 matches on Hard difficulty or higher in Universe or Exhibition. (Single play)
    You can’t let down your guard (Bronze): Successfully perform a Catching Finisher. (Single play)

Additionally, there are two secret trophies:

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    Wrestling heritage (Gold): 2K Showcase – Complete all objectives.
    Wrestling master (Silver): 2K Showcase – Complete 50% of the objectives.
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