WWE 2K15
Successfully complete all objectives in Bad Blood (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) to unlock Evolution.
Proving Ground
Successfully complete all five NXT chapters and objectives.
Proving Ground roster
Defeat John Cena with all five NXT Superstars to unlock the Proving Ground roster.
Bonus wrestlers
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding wrestler:
- Adrian Neville: Successfully complete the Adrian Neville chapter and objectives.
- Bo Dallas: Successfully complete the Bo Dallas chapter and objectives.
- Corey Graves: Successfully complete the Corey Graves chapter and objectives.
- Rusev and Lana: Successfully complete the Rusev chapter and objectives.
- Sami Zayn: Successfully complete the Sami Zayn chapter and objectives.
Bonus arenas
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding arena:
- NXT Arena: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
- NXT Arrival Arena: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
Bonus championships
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding championship:
- NXT Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
- NXT Tag Team Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
- NXT Womens Championship: Successfully complete all 5 NXT chapters and objectives.
Showcase rivalries objectives
The following is a list of special objectives for showcase rivalries:
Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect
CM Punk vs. John Cena: Critically damage Cena, execute a top rope signature move at least once (which also triggers a two button QTE), perform a T.S., and win by pinning Cena down.
John Cena vs. Rey Myesterio: Deal moderate damage to Rey Mysterio, perform Cena’s 5 Knuckle Shuffle signature move, perform an Attitude Adjustment, then immediately follow the finisher with a pin attempt to win.
CM Punk vs. John Cena: Damage Cena moderately, then perform a Suicide Dive. Use a pinfall to defeat Cena.
Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk: Defeat Punk with a pinfall.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Perform two Attitude Adjustments, then defeat CM Punk.
John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio: Defeat Alberto with a pinfall or submission. You also must perform a 5 Knuckle Shuffle and defeat him with the STF finisher.
Triple H vs. CM: Moderately damage CM Punk, then perform a Pedigree immediately followed by a pinfall to win.
Albert Del Rio vs. John Cena vs. CM Punk: This is a Hell In A Cell match. Moderately damage CM Punk, perform the Enzuigiri corner signature move, then defeat with a pinfall.
CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio: Perform G.T.S., then defeat Del Rio by pinning him down.
CM Punk vs. Big Show: Damage Big Show moderately, and use an Irish Whip to move Big Show into a corner.
CM Punk vs. John Cena: Perform G.T.S. twice on John Cena.
CM Punk and John Cena vs. Big Show and Daniel Bryan: Moderately damage Big Show, and bring Punk inside the ring with a tag. Daniel Bryan must be grappled in a corner; Big Show can be grappled anywhere for the objective completion. Then, perform an Attitude Adjustment and win with a pinfall.
CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Big Show: This is a No Disqualification match. Moderately damage Big Show, hit him with a Springboard Clothesline, and perform a corner signature move. Then, defeat Big Show with a pinfall.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, and perform an Attitude Adjustment on him. After the Quick Time Event, perform another Attitude Adjustment. Then, grapple Punk in the corner.
Ryback vs. CM Punk: Follow and critically damage Punk. Then, perform a Shell Shocked finisher.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, perform a STF and an Attitude Adjustment, then defeat him with a pinfall.
CM Punks vs. John Cena vs. Ryback: Moderately damage Cena and attack with a Ground Grapple. Use a corner signature move on Ryback, then defeat Cena with a pinfall.
The Rock vs. CM Punk: Moderately damage Punk, and perform a Wake Up taunt to start a Quick Time Event. Then, perform a People’s Elbow, and win by pinning Punk.
The Rock vs. CM Punk: Critically damage Punk, and Irish Whip him into the corner. Perform a Rock Bottom to start a Quick Time Event. Perform a few more attacks, then a Rock Bottom followed by a pinfall.
John Cena vs. CM Punk: Critically damage Punk and perform a 5 Knuckle Shuffle before the Quick Time Event. Perform a STF followed by an Attitude Adjustment.
Best Friends, Bitter Enemies
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H: This is a No Disqualification match. Critically damage Triple H, perform a top rope signature move on him, and the Sweet Chin Music corner finisher to start a Quick Time Event.
Kane vs. Triple H: This is a Casket match. Perform a Chokeslam twice on Triple H. A Quick Time Event may begin if Triple H tries to put you in the casket.
Kane and Booker T vs. Triple H and Chris Jericho: Lightly damage Jericho and moderately damage Triple H. Perform Booker’s Scissor Kick on Triple H, then defeat him with a pinfall.
Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels: As Triple H, defend the championship title from the others. After Shawn Michaels enters the ring, use him to perform a finisher outside of the ring. Also, perform a signature move off the chamber pod and hit Triple H. After those objectives are completed, perform Sweet Chin Music followed by a pinfall.
Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels: Moderately damage Shawn Michaels, then Irish Whip him into the ropes to start a Quick Time Event. Use RVD’s top rope finisher to defeat Shawn Michaels.
Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam: Pin RVD and moderately damage him. Then, Irish whip him into a corner. Perform a chair hit followed by a pinfall to finish the match.
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: This is a Three Stages Of Hell match. You will begin as Triple H in a street fight. Perform a Pedigree and win by pinfall. The second part is a Steel Cage Match as Shawn Michaels. Perform Sweet Chin Music, and defeat Triple H by pinning him. The final part is a Ladder Match as Triple H. Critically damage Shawn Michaels, and win back the championship.
Chris Jericho and Triple H and Ric Flair vs. Booker T and Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash: Tag in Triple H, and defeat Nash with a pinfall with Triple H.
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels: Moderately damage Shawn Michaels, and Irish Whip him into a corner. Perform a Figure 4 Leglock for the last objective.
Shawn Michaels vs. Batista: Moderately damage Batista, perform the Diving Elbow Drop top rope signature move, then the Sweet Chin Music finisher to start the final Quick Time Event.
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H: Lightly damage Triple H, and Irish Whip him into ropes. Then, perform two Sweet Chin Music finishers.
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: This is a Last Man Standing match. Lightly damage Shawn Michaels, and Irish Whip him into the ropes to start a Quick Time Event. Then, critically damage Shawn Michaels, and perform a Pedigree inside the ring.
Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton: Lightly damage and Irish Whip Randy Orton into the ropes. Moderately damage him, then perform Sweet Chin Music.
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels: Critically damage Shawn Michaels, and let him perform his own finisher to start a cutscene. Then, perform a Pedigree Hit and pinfall.
Who Got NXT mode objectives
The following is a list of special objectives in Who Got NXT mode for each character:
Adrian Neville
- vs. Sami Zayn: Start with your signature move, then kick-out of Sami’s signature move. Defeat him with the Red Arrow top-rope finisher.
- vs. Bo Dallas (ladder match): Make sure he does not touch the belt. Execute Plancha OMG, then finish with Red Arrow using the ladder.
- vs. Corey Graves: Make sure that his lower-body is moderately damaged and you do not take a lot of damage. Then, defeat him using the Red Arrow finisher.
- vs. Bo Dallas: Hit him with four Rope Attacks, then nail him down with Red Arrow. Defeat him using a Reverse 450 as the finishing move.
Bo Dallas
- vs. Big E: Moderately damage him, then Irish Whip him into an exposed turnbuckle. Defeat him with the Bo Dazzler.
- vs. Cesaro: Moderately damage him, and do not allow him execute a finisher. Then, retain the NXT title using DQ.
- vs. Sami Zayn: Critically damage him, then Irish Whip him into an exposed turnbuckle. Defeat him with Leverage Pin.
- vs. Adrian Neville: Critically damage him, and perform an OMG moment by spearing him through the barricade. Defeat him in a count out.
Corey Grave
- vs. Seth Rollins: Critically damage his legs, then drop him with a Chop Block. Submit him with the Lucky 13 leg finisher.
- vs. Bray Wyatt: Perform no finishers, and critically damage him. Then, defeat him with a submission.
- vs. Adrian Neville: Score the first point with a Pinfall, and critically damage his legs. Then, defeat him with the Lucky 13 leg finisher.
- vs. Sami Zayn: Execute two signature moves, and critically damage all his limbs. Then, defeat him with a Lucky 13 finisher.
- vs. Xavier Woods: Critically injure Xavier within two minutes, and avoid taking any critical damage yourself. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
- vs. Kofi Kingston: Critically damage Kofi within five minutes, and avoid taking moderate damage yourself. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
- vs. Rey Mysterio: Avoid receiving a 619, and damage Rey’s legs in the first three minutes. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
- vs. Dolph Ziggler: Avoid light damage, and drop him with a Super Kick. Then, submit him with the Accolade finisher.
Sami Zayn
- vs. Cesaro: Execute a Blue Thunder Bomb followed by a Helluva Kick. Make sure that Cesaro hits the corner before running to him for the Helluva Kick. End with the Leverage Pin, making sure that his upper-body is damaged well enough.
- vs. Jack Swagger: While Jack is standing, execute a Diving Crossing Body, then Helluva Kick as a finishing move. Ensure that Jack is damaged well enough before using the Diving Crossing Body.
- vs. Corey Graves: Avoid taking damage, and critically damage him. Then, perform a Sunset Flip Powerbomb, his running signature move.
- vs. Cesaro: Moderately damage Cesaro, then execute a Torpedo DDT.
Preset movesets
The indicated moveset is based on the corresponding wrestler:
- Airbourne: Evan Bourne
- Fan Favorite: Zack Ryder
- Gory Specialist: Chavo Guerrero
- Jackson: Eziekiel Jackson
- JoMo: John Morrison
- Legacy: Ted Dibiase Jr.
- Lucha: Sin Cara
- Mason: Mason Ryan
- Moscow Mauler: Vladimir Kozlov
- Most Valuable Player: MVP
- Shake, Rattle, & Roll: Road Dogg
- The Gangsta: JTG
- The Gunslinger: Billy Gunn
- The Masterpiece: Chris Masters
- The Monster: Brodus Clay
- Varsity Villain: Alex Riley
Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:
- All Trophies Earned (Platinum): Earn all trophies.
- A creator is born (Bronze): Upload some kind of user created content once.
- A fresh beginning (Bronze): Play in an Online match (Player match/Ranked match).
- A winner is you (Gold): Win 50 ranked matches.
- A winning combination! (Bronze): Use a wake-up taunt, land a Finisher, and immediately pin your opponent. (Single play)
- Best in the World! (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Beat “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect” on Legend difficulty.
- Comeback! (Bronze): Successfully perform a Comeback Move. (Single play)
- Discovering the Universe (Silver): WWE Universe – Play and win 50 matches.
- Everybody wins! (Bronze): Win with 50 different Superstars. (Single play)
- Excellent execution (Bronze): Attack every body part at least once using the limb targeting system. (Single play/Exhibition)
- Feed me more! (Silver): Win at least 50 matches on Hard difficulty or higher in Universe or Exhibition. (Single play)
- Foundation of the future (Bronze): Who Got NXT – Receive a grade of A or better in Proving Ground.
- Frenemies (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies”, 8/25/02 SummerSlam on Hard or higher.
- Game over (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Beat “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies” on Legend difficulty.
- Match maker (Gold): Win in 20 match variations. (Single play)
- Mid-carder (Silver): Reach mid-carder rank playing ranked matches.
- Mr. Money in the Bank (Gold): WWE Universe – Win Money in the Bank using a custom Superstar. (Single play)
- Next Generation (Bronze): Who Got NXT – Complete all objectives.
- Now that was a match! (Bronze): Earn 3000 points or more playing ranked matches.
- NXT Takeover (Bronze): Defeat John Cena using one of the NXT Superstars.
- One of a kind Superstar (Bronze): Create a custom Superstar that uses a Superstar head.
- Over the ropes you go! (Bronze): Eliminate 12 opponents with the same Superstar in a single Royal Rumble match. (Single play)
- Reached the ropes! (Bronze): Crawl to the ropes during a submission. (Single play)
- Redbox Big Moment (Bronze): Break the announce table with an OMG! Moment. (Single play/Exhibition)
- Road to WrestleMania (Bronze): WWE Universe – Win WrestleMania main event as the Royal Rumble winner. (Single play)
- Storm out (Gold): WWE Universe – Play and win 180 rivalry matches.
- Tap! Tap! Tap! (Bronze): Make an opponent tap out with a submission that is not a Finisher or Signature move. (Single Play)
- The beginning of a record (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”, 11/20/11 Survivor Series on Hard or higher.
- The Deadman defeated (Silver): WWE Universe – Defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania using a custom Superstar.
- The Giant killer (Bronze): Beat Big Show using Rey Mysterio on Hard difficulty. (Single play)
- The Kliq (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Best Friends, Bitter Enemies”.
- The Second City Savior (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”, 7/17/11 Money In The Bank on Hard or higher.
- This is my yard! (Bronze): Create and play a match in at least one custom Arena. (Single play)
- True Champion (Bronze): 2K Showcase – Complete “Hustle, Loyalty, Disrespect”.
- Unknown veteran (Bronze): Win 10 times using a custom Superstar.
- Warlords (Bronze): WWE Universe – Play and win WWE World Heavyweight Championship 3 times. (Single play)
- Watch out! (Bronze): Successfully reverse a Finisher. (Single play)
- We have a winner! (Silver): Win at least 20 matches on Hard difficulty or higher in Universe or Exhibition. (Single play)
- You can’t let down your guard (Bronze): Successfully perform a Catching Finisher. (Single play)
Additionally, there are two secret trophies:
- Wrestling heritage (Gold): 2K Showcase – Complete all objectives.
- Wrestling master (Silver): 2K Showcase – Complete 50% of the objectives.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Square Enix.