Giza Pages
- Tomb of Khafre (Location)
- Camp Kataskinono (Location)
- Per-Wsir Hideout (Location)
- Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Poo (Location)
- Sphinx Passageway (Location)
- Great Sphinx (Location)
- Tomb of Khufu (Location)
- Hyena Lair (Location)
- The Hyena (Main Quest)
- Lost Village (Location)
- Mausoleion of Crow (Location)
- Depleted Quarry Hideout (Location)
- What’s Yours is Mine (Side Quest)
- Adorer of Thoth Tomb (Location)
- Tomb of Menkaure (Location)
- Khentkawes Hideout (Location)
- Precious Bonds (Side Quest)
- Eastern Cemetary Mastaba (Location)
- Khufu Temple Hideout (Location)
- Great Pyramid of Giza (Location)
- Hemon Mastaba (Location)
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