Mining Tips
Unlike Mass Effect 2, mining is not an essential part of Andromeda. You can ignore it completely and still get more mineral-resources than you'll ever need through Strike Team Mission, Cryo Perks, and exploration. Even better is just to throw out the occasional mining probe when you pass through a particularly rich area. If you do plan to maximize your mining returns, note that each area can only so many mining drones before it is 'depleted,' and no more drones can be deployed.
Mining zones are made available by activating Forward Stations. You can also use a Cryo Pod perk to add even more mining zones (though you might consider just getting the mineral delivery perk first). If you're physicalgoing hunting for minerals, note the the best areas are always (1) Remnant Ruins, which tend to have the rarest minerals, and (2) places that are extremely difficult to get to. Combine the two for the richest rewards available.